Has anyone had sex during field service?
by rebel8 17 Replies latest jw friends
Have you??
No. The last time I was in fs I was a pimply teenager with bad clothes and worse makeup. Sex wasn't even within the scope of possibility for me at that time, for many reasons that would threadjack if posted. (I've posted about my medical problems, etc. in the past.)
So. Onto the juicy stories, please.
I got propositioned a few times in my younger days.
I knew of brother who when on field service would disappear occasionally. It was later found that he had a couple lady friends. Who he did more than "study" with.
Another brother would often say he was taking the latest magazines to some guy he was calling on. Turned out he was having a gay affair with the guy.
My first sexual experience was in field service. It was me and one of the daughters of a fairly prominent NY family. We were sitting in the back seat of the car. There was an older brother sitting in the drivers seat the other two women were at the door... We're just sitting there and next thing i know she's got her hand in my pants! WOO WOO WOO!
We didn't have sex but it was far and away the BEST time I've ever had in service.
There probably isnt a better aphrodisiac on the planet than selling god door to door. LOL
Nope...never had sex during FS. There was however one octogenarian brother of the annointed who, when he would get hot from going door to door, would go behind the bushes in anybodys yard and take off his clothes down to slacks only, toss it all into the car and declare "Time to go! Lets go have lunch!"
I was a newly wed once. A lot can happen with tinted windows on the way to a return visit.