Going Out in "Service"
We used the term thousands of times, but did we ever consider the term itself and what it actually meant?
But whom were we serving? There are only a few possibilities here: dubs are serving God or their fellow man or the Watchtower Corporation. Or they are serving themselves.
Serving God? How? To help God get converts? That's like a human parent saying he needs someone else to convince his kids that he loves that they are the kids that he should love.
Serving the Watchtower Corporation? Ahem! You pay all the expenses and donate all the time for your field service and the Corporation gets all the money. That's always the case, whether you get any converts or not. And if you DO get a convert, the Corporation gets even MORE money from the convert! For the lifetime of the convert! What do you get in return for all of that? You get more books to sell and more money to give to the Corporation.
Serving yourself? Don't say this isn't the case, little dubbies. If you do this "service", you get the promise that you will never die. If you don't do this "service", you are promised you will surely die at the wrathful hand of Watchtower God TM .
Guess what? Over 120+ years, EVERY dub whose time it was to die, died. Not ONE was kept alive. That only leaves living dub fools, who are also slowly dying who will never receive this promise, either. And the Watchtower Corporation STILL gets to keep all the money! And the members of the Watchtower Corporation who made up all this stuff are dying, too!
In reality, Dubs are only providing a REAL service to the Watchtower Corporation when they engage in this "service." They can't admit that, and they aren't honest enough to admit they are secretly serving themselves and trying to save their own butts from eternal destruction. Most dubs couldn't give a rat about the householders they meet in their "service" to them.
Dub1 to Dub2: "I'm going out in service today. Are you?"
Dub2: "No. Today I'm going out to help my fellow man by sharing the wonderful news of eternal life on a paradise earth."
Dub1: "What kind of shit have YOU been smoking?"
Trivia side question: Why are dubbies such big fans of Star Trek, yet they refuse to understand and apply the wisdom of the Star Trek Prime Directive?
Trivia side question #2: Why did "God's" people, the Jews, NEVER try to get even ONE convert in their thousands of years of history? God never asked them to get converts and they never volunteered to do it. The only good news here is that the Jews didn't have to sell books to get God's approval. It is true Isaiah states that they were God's "witnesses", but the rest of the Old Testament puts the word "witnesses" in the context of actual events:
Edomite (or any other typical "enemy" the Jews encountered): "Please save me and my family! I'll do anything you want! You can have my land and all my property, but please spare our lives. We mean you no harm."
Jew replies: "Witness THIS!", as he whacks off the heads of the entire family, but saves the little girl to take her out and rape her. (Leviticus 31)
Since such events were often ordered by God or by God through God's earthly representatives, such conduct would be rightly be called "Sacred Service," i.e. doing a "service" ordered by God which involves lots of head-whacking.
Sometimes dubs use the more formal term "Field Service TM " instead of just "service." It's all so military, just like when they called Congregations "companies" and they still call dubs "soldiers". They really view the "field" in "field service" as a BATTLEfield consisting of 100% enemies of God and the Watchtower Corporation - how does one "serve" an enemy?
Real Soldier: "I'm going to the battlefield today to kill as many enemies as I can."
Dub Soldier: "I'm going to the battlefield today to SERVE and HELP as many enemies as I can."
Real Soldier: "What kind of shit have YOU been smoking?"
In a real battlefield, all of your enemies wish you were dead. Oh, wait! Dubs wish all of their enemies were dead, too, so I guess they're both on the same page.
Many of the dub "enemies" in the "field" feel sorry for dubbies and wish they would turn to a caring, kinder and more productive faith. However, it is the duty of ALL dub soldiers to convince such people they are idiots for such thinking and they need to join an uncaring, kindless and totally unproductive faith or get blasted to a million pieces by God. This is affectionately known as "the Good News."
To make matters worse, dubs shamelessly lie to people while providing their "service" in the "field." Why don't they be honest like the Bible says people should be?
Householder: "thank you for stopping by, but I'm just not interested."
Dub: "you see that baby you're holding in your arms? If you don't buy these books, God is going to melt that baby's face right in front of you, and you will have to watch its eyes rot in its sockets and its bloody skin peel off its skull before God blows its guts all over your face.
Then God is going to do the same thing to YOU. Are you SURE you don't want to buy these books?"
Might scare up a few converts by trying honesty for a change. Might get you shot, too.
The Watchtower Corporation also refers to field service as "the strange work." They got that right. The Watchtower Corporation also likens dubs in field service to a host of locusts descending upon mankind. Everyone knows that a host of locusts sucks out the life and destroys everything in its path. The Watchtower Corporation got that one right, too.
A Healthy Alternative to Watchtower Field Service
Instead of dressing up in a cheap suit, dress up in old cut-off jeans and an old tee shirt. Knock on a guy's door and offer to paint his house for free. Convince him you are serious about it. If he balks, tell him he can furnish the beer if he wants. Then paint his house.
Think about it. You actually did something GOOD for someone here and if you were lucky, got to drink some beer, too. You probably made a friend for life who just might be encouraged to go out and do something unexpectedly nice for someone else. The whole thing could snowball into wonderful things for many people. Your chances for eternal life are still about zero, but the best thing is, the Watchtower Corporation didn't get a nickel out of it!
That's the way the Bible says Christian people should be.
Good Samaritan finds a guy on the road, beaten, robbed and cold. Good Samaritan gives the guy money, clothes and tends to his wounds. Good Samaritan asks nothing from the guy, but probably made a friend for life.
Dub Samaritan finds a guy on the road, beaten, robbed and cold. Dub Samaritan tells the guy there are Government agencies who might be able to help out the guy and gives the guy some books to read until the Government agency shows up to help. Dub Samaritan leaves, but first asks the guy if he wants a free home Bible study. Guy says "no." Dub Samaritan tells guy to go to hell.
I wished I would have understood all of this when I used to talk about field "service."