Seattle's brother curtis Thompson says HE'S the victim

by Nathan Natas 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JW Minister/Rapist/Murderer Curtis Thompson

    Last updated February 25, 2009 11:26 p.m. PT

    Serial rapist takes stand, claims he's the victim

    It would come as a surprise to the six Seattle women he's been convicted of attacking, or the family of another he's accused of killing, but Curtis Thompson is a victim.

    At least according to him.

    "Are you the victim here?" Senior Deputy Prosecutor Scott O'Toole asked Thompson, as the convicted serial rapist again faced a jury Wednesday on charges of burglary, car theft and first-degree rape related to a 2004 attack.

    "In a sense, yeah," Thompson answered, shackled and seated at the defense table. "You want a list of how long the government has been oppressing me?"

    In an unusual move, Thompson took the stand in his own defense hoping to convince a King County jury that prosecutors erred in accusing him of raping a woman at her Eastlake neighborhood home before dousing her with bleach to obscure the crime.

    Thompson made a similar effort during a September trial in which he was accused of trying to sexually assault two women in the elevator at a University District apartment building. It didn't go well for him -- he was convicted of 10 of 11 counts against him, and likely will be confined indefinitely regardless of the current case's outcome.

    Prosecutors also have charged Thompson in the death of Deborah Byars, who was found dead in her Ravenna home in August 2004. In that case, prosecutors assert that Thompson stabbed the mother of two in the back of the head with a screwdriver after accosting her in her home.

    Addressing the jury Wednesday, Thompson made clear his disgust with authorities, which apparently stemmed from his 1985 arrest and subsequent conviction for four violent rapes in the Seattle area. Thompson served 18 years of a 25-year sentence before his release in 2003.

    At that time, prosecutors sought to confine Thompson indefinitely at a state center for violent sexual predators. He was released after a jury found that he did not meet the criteria for civil commitment.

    In court, O'Toole asserted that, less than a year after his release, Thompson resumed his attacks on women. On Aug. 17, 2004, O'Toole argued, Thompson broke into the woman's Eastlake home and attacked her in a manner similar to the four earlier attacks.

    Questioned by his attorney, Thompson described himself as a man under attack by the world. Following his release, Thompson complained, his family, church and community turned against him.

    Thompson went on to compare his plight -- he faces what could amount to a life-sentence in the current case -- to that of the Native Americans, slaves and those accused of witchcraft in Salem.

    For reasons not disclosed, Thompson's attorneys held a brief closed-door session with Judge Palmer Robinson before he took the stand. Thompson has frequently demanded that defense attorney John Hicks be removed from the case.

    As several of his victims from previous cases looked on from the courtroom gallery, Thompson struggled to explain how he could tell a 2003 jury that he took "wholehearted" responsibility for the earlier attacks while denying them entirely in the current case. Under steady questioning from O'Toole, Thompson let slip his theory on what differentiates women from men.

    Women desiring physical intimacy, Thompson told the jury, need only offer the same to receive it.

    "What's a man use?" he asked rhetorically, his flat, bass voice rising. "Sometimes, he uses force. That's what a man does."

    Continuing, Thompson argued that he deserves forgiveness for the earlier offenses he now denies.

    "Should a person be given a second chance?" Thompson asked jurors. "Apparently not."

    The decision as to whether Thompson receives yet another chance will fall to the jury Thursday, when attorneys on both sides are expected to offer closing arguments. He is scheduled to stand trial in Byars' death following the conclusion of the present case.

    P-I reporter Levi Pulkkinen can be reached at 206-448-8348 or [email protected].

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    (go to the website to see & hear Thompson on video)


    By Joel Moreno & KOMO Staff

    KING COUNTY, Wash. -- - A convicted rapist and level-3 sex offender is back in court, on trial for another alleged rape.

    Curtis Thompson has already been sentenced to life in prison for assaulting two college students with sexual motivation.

    But on Wednesday Thompson, against his attorney's advice, took the witness stand in his trial for an alleged 2004 rape in a last-ditch effort to sway the jury.

    Investigators believe Thompson broke into woman's apartment in Seattle's Eastlake neighborhood, then raped her. After the assault, court documents state, Thompson doused the victim with bleach to destroy DNA evidence.

    In court on Wednesday, Thompson was strapped to a restraint chair with a Taser device laced around his arm. But the notorious serial rapist wasn't afraid to speak his mind, even managing to send a chill through the courtroom at one point.

    While being cross-examined by the prosecutor, Thompson gave his startling take on sex and rape.

    "A woman, when she gets depressed or feeling low or down, she uses her sexuality to get attention. Now what's a man use? Sometimes he uses force," he said.

    The prosecutor questioned Thompson about the 2004 rape victim. He showed Thompson photos of the victim's apartment building, then asked him for an alibi.

    "I was out with hookers. Whether she was a hooker, I don't know," Thompson said.

    Thompson has already served 18 years in prison for raping four women in 1985. Prosecutors tried to have him committed as a sexually violent predator after his prison term ended in 2003 - a psychologist had called him a sexual sadist - but a jury rejected that.

    Thompson told the court he was set up to fail the moment he was released from prison.

    "I believe subconsciously I wanted to be back in there," he said. "I couldn't believe the way I was being treated by family, church, employers. I was a monster on the loose, somebody who wanted to kill."

    Thompson is notorious for resisting law enforcement officers and lashing out in court.

    During his trial for the 2004 assault of the two college students in Seattle's University District , he accused the prosecutor of lying and yelled, "Punk! Liar! You should go to Hollywood, punk!" He also told his own attorney, "You're going to be dead," before letting out a profanity-laced rant.

    Thompson still must stand trial for the alleged murder of a disabled woman. In 2006 Thompson was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Deborah S. Byars in Seattle. DNA found under Byars' fingernails matched Thompson's, detectives said.

    The way Byars was killed - stabbed through a pillow that had been placed on the back of her neck - matched the way Thompson raped his victims in 1985, as well as the Aug. 17 case, investigators said.

    Thompson's conviction for the assault of the college students earned him a life sentence under the state's "two strikes" law for sex offenders. These trials will go forward, however, in order to give victims' families a sense of closure.

  • rebel8

    I'm glad he was honest to the jury about his views on using force with women. Hopefully they will now do the right thing.

    He feels he was mistreated by the church. hmmm

    As mentioned on the last thread, I contacted the court to order a transcript of testimony of the dubs on his behalf. Haven't heard back.

  • garybuss

    Who is this guy? Is he a JW or what?

  • rebel8

    converted in prison

    released in part (allegedly) due to testimony of jws at parole hearing, said he cleaned up his act

    psychologist said he will kill again

    killed and tortured women upon release

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    From 2003:

    Tuesday, October 7, 2003

    He's set free, not declared a sexually violent offender


    A jury for the first time has rejected the request of King County prosecutors to send a convicted rapist who had already served his prison sentence to an indefinite stay at a locked commitment center.

    The decision by the jury meant that Curtis Thompson, convicted of committing four Seattle rapes in 1985, walked out of the King County Courthouse a free man. For the first time in more than 17 years, he is living outside custody -- in his mother's home near Sand Point.

    Prosecutors asked that he be declared a sexually violent offender, which meant that he would be sent to the Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island.

    While waiting for a hearing and a jury to decide on the prosecutors' request, Thompson spent another year behind bars.

    Until Friday's decision, a jury had never turned prosecutors down when they wanted a sex offender committed.

    "The jury determined he's not a threat, and that's all I'm going to say. I'm happy he's home," Thompson's mother said yesterday at the home she now shares with her 44-year-old son. She declined to give her name.

    Other people in the quiet neighborhood are uneasy about having Thompson, labeled a Level 3 sex offender, in their midst. Level 3 offenders are deemed the most likely to commit more crimes.

    "It's causing a lot of fear and unease," said Matt Delcomyn, 39, who bought a house one year ago across the street from where Thompson now lives.

    "I know he's done his time, but he's got another decade or so to prove himself to society, and I don't want to wait around to find out," he said.

    Thompson registered with the King County Sheriff's office yesterday, listing his address in the 5500 block of 39th Avenue Northeast.

    "Certainly he is a risk to reoffend, but that doesn't mean he will," said Detective Robert Shilling of the Seattle Police Department's special assault unit. Shilling notified neighbors Friday of Thompson's presence and held a community meeting about his release on Sunday.

    Thompson had been held at the Special Commitment Center since his May 2002 release from prison.

    For three weeks, jurors heard testimony in the hearing, in which prosecutors had to prove Thompson was more likely than not to commit another sexually related offense if he were not locked up. The jury took about half a day to reach its unprecedented decision.

    Richard Warner, a public defender who represented Thompson, called the decision "courageous" while co-counsel Anita Paulsen said the jurors -- who asked questions of the witnesses during the hearing -- had obviously satisfied their own concerns about Thompson's release.

    "These are people who live in King County who, just like all of us, are going to live in neigh- borhoods where he is going to be," Paulsen said.

    Thompson's religious studies while in custody, his minimal number of infractions in prison and his work ethic there, as well as never having any problems with female kitchen staff or female officers, likely weighed in his favor, Paulsen said.

    County officials believe Thompson belongs in the state center.

    "We file civil commitment cases when we believe there is a high risk of reoffense, and this is ultimately a question that goes before a jury," said Dan Donohoe, spokesman for the county prosecutor's office.

    Thompson was convicted of four rapes that occurred between April and July of 1985. He also was convicted of assault in an attempted rape and of burglary. In most of the incidents, Thompson threatened his victims with a knife or a gun and bound their feet and hands. He did not know any of the victims.

    In all the incidents, Thompson broke into the women's homes and woke them up before raping them. In one incident, he cut a woman's arm from elbow to wrist, raped her with a broomstick and punched the woman's teenage daughter in the face when she came home.

    Psychological reports from 1998 and 2002 found Thompson had a moderate to high risk of reoffending. Those reports cited a "deep-seated and currently suppressed anger and hostility toward women in general, which has gone untreated" and "concerns that the increasing tendency towards violence already noted by the prior record would only escalate."

    Thompson did not undergo a psychological treatment program from the state while incarcerated, though he had frequent counseling sessions with fellow Jehovah's Witnesses.

    His attorneys said he sought treatment in 1995, but was told he had to wait until 1998 -- or three years before his release date -- to receive it.

    "He asked and asked for treatment, and when he didn't get it, he found his own way," Paulsen said.

    County prosecutors argued that Thompson has a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes him likely to commit acts of sexual violence against strangers, according to court filings. A psychologist who interviewed Thompson in May 2002 concluded he was a sexual sadist.

    Before the jury read its verdict Friday, Thompson had written a letter to the court, apologizing to his victims and their families and thanking the jury for hearing his case.

    He wrote the letter assuming that he would be committed, his attorneys said. Thompson's release has encouraged others at the center who see their situation as hopeless, Paulsen said.

    P-I reporter Chris McGann contributed to this report. P-I reporter Wyatt Buchanan can be reached at 206-448-8011 or [email protected]

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    From august 2006:

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006


    Man already awaiting trial on 14 previous counts


    Curtis Thompson walked free when a King County jury decided he wasn't a sexually violent predator, but he was charged with attacking three Seattle women less than a year later.

    Now prosecutors say Thompson's alleged August 2004 crime spree involved an even more violent offense: first-degree murder.

    The 47-year-old convicted rapist was charged Monday with stabbing to death Deborah Byars on Aug. 23, 2004, in her Ravenna-area apartment.

    Thompson is accused of killing the 45-year-old woman mere hours before prosecutors say he attacked two women at a University District apartment complex, robbing one and forcing the other to partially undress.

    Thompson -- the only person a Washington jury has declined to lock away as a sexually violent predator after a civil-commitment trial -- will be arraigned on the latest charge Aug. 30.

    He remains in King County Jail, where prosecutors have asked that his $5 million bail be doubled.

    Thompson is still awaiting trial on the earlier charges -- 14 in all -- including the alleged U-District attack and allegations that he broke into a woman's Eastlake apartment, raped her and tried to destroy the evidence with bleach.

    Prosecutors were initially waiting to file the murder charge until Thompson was tried for the other crimes so that the ordeal wouldn't be so drawn out for the victims, Deputy Prosecutor Scott O'Toole said Monday.

    But his trial was delayed late last year, when concerns arose about Thompson's mental competency, and again this year, when he fired his attorneys.

    O'Toole said Byars' family "has been waiting for this for a while" and noted that Wednesday marks the second anniversary of the woman's death.

    Earlier this month, a state psychologist found that Thompson -- though slightly paranoid and "likely to be very challenging to have as a client" -- appeared competent to stand trial. A hearing is set for next week.

    His attorney in the earlier charges could not be reached for comment.

    A friend who was worried after several phone calls went unanswered found Byars, also known as Deborah McAfee, dead on Aug. 26, 2004. She'd been stabbed three times in the back of the neck and once under her arm, possibly with a screwdriver.

    An acquaintance last saw her at 8:30 or 9 a.m. three days earlier.

    Police say DNA found under her fingernails matched Thompson's.

    Byars' killer had also covered her head with a pillow, something police say Thompson has done in his other crimes.

    In court papers, O'Toole called Thompson "an extreme risk" to the community. Thompson has admitted he began committing crimes at the age of 10, when he sexually assaulted several relatives, and he once acknowledged a fear that he might kill someone, according to court documents.

    He also showed little remorse when telling a prison psychologist a few years ago that he'd stabbed a young man, leaving him paralyzed, O'Toole wrote.

    Prosecutors say Thompson refused to undergo sex offender treatment while in prison.

    He was convicted in 1985 of breaking into the homes of women, raping four of them and trying to rape a fifth. At the time, he admitted that he'd committed as many as 200 burglaries and seven rapes.

    In 2003, King County prosecutors sought to have him locked away indefinitely at a treatment center for violent sex offenders, but his family and others helped portray him as a man who'd embraced the Jehovah's Witness faith and turned his life around.

    Jurors concluded he didn't fit the legal definition of a sexually violent predator who, because of a mental abnormality or personality disorder, was highly likely to reoffend. He was released.

    Several jurors later said they were devastated to learn that Thompson was accused of new crimes.

    P-I reporter Tracy Johnson can be reached at 206-467-5942 or [email protected].

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    From December 2006:

    Friday, December 1, 2006

    Convicted rapist pleads not guilty


    A convicted rapist pleaded not guilty Thursday to killing a Seattle woman in 2004, less than a year after he was released from prison.

    Curtis Thompson initially refused to leave the King County Jail for his hearing but finally did so under the threat of having jail officers forcibly drag him into the courtroom. He declined to answer any questions or sign paperwork, though he made several demands that the Superior Court judge denied.

    Thompson said he wanted to act as his own lawyer, as co-counsel with his current lawyer, John Hicks. He said he wanted all files the Seattle Police Department has kept on him for the past 25 years, and he suggested that he was put under some sort of surveillance when he was freed from prison in 2003.

    Though two psychologists have found Thompson mentally fit to stand trial, Hicks said he still has concerns about the man's mental state.

    Thompson is charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing death of Deborah Byars, a mother of two, in her Ravenna-area apartment on Aug. 23, 2004.

    He is also charged with attacking two other women hours later at a University District apartment complex, robbing one and forcing the other to partially undress, and a separate allegation that he broke into an Eastlake woman's apartment and raped her.

    In 2003, King County prosecutors sought to have him locked away indefinitely at a treatment center for violent sex offenders, but his family and others said he had embraced the Jehovah's Witness faith and had turned his life around, and he was released.

  • Nathan Natas
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    He's kinda Jesus-like, isn't he? I mean the way his eyes follow you around the room...

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