by badboy 20 Replies latest jw friends
I think they are on Spring Break.
they are still in Bethel!
Nathan Natas
This should clarify it:
“The Jonadab class are of those who ‘hear’ the message of truth and who must say to those in their hearing: ‘Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.’ (Rev. 22:17) Those of the Jonadab class must go along with those who are of the antitypical Jehu company, that is, the anointed, and announce the message of the kingdom, even though they are not the anointed witnesses of Jehovah.” - The WATCHTOWER, August 15, 1934, page 249, paragraph 31.
Personally, I am convinced the Jonadab class got together with the Jethro class and the Ebenezer class and are running some moonshine through their still down in the holler.
yadda yadda 2
They are all dead or close to it
It is the same as the Abraham class, the John class (John the Baptist, not the apostle John), the Gideon class, and so many other "classes" that they have made up. And they are about as real as the Flying Spaghetti Monster Class and the 679shkjgfnio8 Class. All made up--all a scam.
wha happened?
I like Spaghetti, where's the class?
My grandparents, father and uncles all went to that convention in a handbuilt trailer, and I remember my Grandmother telling the story about how they all were delighted to realize they were of the Jonadab class! This was shortly after they officially named themselves Jehovahs Witnesses! Wow, a real religion with a pecking order! At least they could dedicate their lives for the cause of an official JW sub catagory.
The Witness dogma asserts that for every part, there is a counter-part. There is a typical type, and an a-typical type. Virtually every Bible character, pattern, dream, event, and prediction has a significant (to them) second meaning only known by the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation's owners.
And they have the exclusive ability to change their minds any time they want. The Jonadabs were the immortal race of Witnesses. Then they became the mortal, "other sheep", and now, since the other sheep won't be identified until Armageddon, they are the "sheeplike ones".
That's the beauty of religion, nothing has to make sense.