The question you must ask is.....for what purpose?
What sinister plan might be accomplished during the distraction of mass chaos?
Every step of the way...there has to be a reason.
"Order out of Chaos"....what will this New Frontier really be like when the dust settles?
They want to break the US economy so we accept 1 world Government.
One relgion. Then they are going to put most of us in concentration camps and gas us.
Because they want to reduce the worlds population to 500 million.
There are too many people for them to manage, control, provide for.
They'll gas us and send us to the next dimension.
The only thing I can see to save you here is stay out of jail.
Stay out of the concentration camps.
Dont let them pick you up.
The bible says when you see the disgusting thing that causes desolation, head for the mountains.
We dont have any mountains here in Florida.