JW sense of Bro-hood.....*sigh wistfully*

by ashitaka 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    The people invited to a wedding should be the ones who truly and unconditionally love the couple getting married. If some do not want to attend because of the myriad of rules and regulations put out by the (b)org then I say GOOD RIDDANCE.

    My son's wedding was boycotted by all elders & wives and ms's and wives and many others who followed their lead after a surprise "marking" talk only two days before his wedding. (He was marrying an "unbaptized publisher" who grew up as a jw.) We had the wedding at the local Holiday Inn and the reception there too. My husband married them as no elder would have and we didn't ask them too.

    It was one of the best weddings I ever attended because we knew that the people there truly loved our son and new daughter.

    The whole situation was the final blow that sent us out of this unloving, judgmental and cruel organization. (They were married in 1999...they are still "shunned" to this very day.)

    I hope you don't let them control the situation. If some don't want to attend; well...to hell with them!

  • momoftwo

    As long as there's plenty of food, they'll come. Those people can eat like no one's business.


  • ashitaka

    true. well, my parents already uninvited ALL of the elders...lol.....JUSTICE!!!!

    I just want my sister to have a nice wedding, without too much more angst than's needed.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    You are absolutely fabulous. Don't give an inch to those twerps until they begin to act like human beings and not cultists.

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