any takers?
Were there any personality conflicts in your congregaion?
by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends
A more apt question would be, Was there ever an absence of personality conflicts in your congregation? It's not surprising that local congregations reeked of personality conflicts. While witnesses have some superficial interpersonal skills(necessary for the basics of door-knocking), they completely lack conflict resolution skills. The more you oppress people, the more they express their grievances indirectly.
Thats the whole problem with the truth.... It implies only one way. Which suits the GB except when it comes to the variety of people, which they know is impossible to regulate....
So yea, every congo has at least one big one, and there are always elders running interference for other elders..... Making excuses...
The real problem was trying to determine which conflicts had their basis in real legitimate issues and which ones were just because of being overly sensitive, or because one or more of the parties involved forgot to take their anti-asshole pill for the day....
Not my problem anymore..... :)
This is the name of the game--all they do is boasting sessions, talking about what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger put out, field circus, spreading the cancer into society. That suppresses much of the personality conflict that goes on within the witless congregations. Of course, it doesn't get it all--people still impose their tastes on each other in the name of stumbling others.
On these boards, there is no such limitation. That is what makes personality clashes more obvious--they are not suppressed by what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out or by the hounders worrying about stumbling others.
wha happened?
Ok I know this is a badboy thread, but there was a huge personality conflict years back at my old congregation. There were several families that just did not get along. And of course the PO lumps them together into one bookstudy at my house. Well it got so bad that at one BS, not a single person woud comment. The BS overseer would ask the questions, no takers , so his wife or daughter would answer. I remember his frustration hitting when he finally asked what God's name was and still no one would answer.
The BS was split up after I asked that my home no longer be used.
YES; Me and 'The Elders'! You can't believe how much they loathe ME!
White Dove
Major conflicts complete with catfights among the pioneer sisters in the kh parking lot and none of the brothers doing anything about it. Some were ignoring it and other simply didn't know because the ones ignoring it didn't tell them. Also, some of these sisters were old and single so there were few husbands to make the matter known to the elders. They were totally out of touch with the bitching that went on.
I had one
none of them did
Pretty much everyone hates everyone else