Brothers in her Cong. question if my mum is "really" anionted!? Why?

by Witness 007 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    When I was in, I also knew some, even elders, who questioned the claims of those who said they were annointed. I wonder if this is because the previous belief was that the annointed would be diminishing in number, not increasing. If so, an increase in annointed threatens their belief that "the end is near," causing them distress.

    I understand that teaching has been adjusted somewhat since I left. But I wonder how much the R & F really change what they believe every time there is a 2 or 3 sentence comment buried in a WT paragraph making changes in the doctrines.

  • primitivegenius

    lol you get so many crazies making that claim that it became easy to question any making that claim. its a claim that anyone can make and no one can disprove............ since they aint locked in once they become anointed..... they can fall away......... so therefor the gates open and close every few years........ hum........................

    so when did they start accepting people as annointed? when jesus died................ so how many of those 144,000 postitions were claimed and cashed in by the persons death before jf rutherford got his first hard on looking at pyramids.

    hell after the memorial.......... who else ate the emblems and drank the wine? in our hall in the back room it was all fair game....... and the sister who made our unleavened bread for decades........... she could cook........... it was damn good. wait................... that means ive partaken............ ALL MUST BOW TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • donny

    My former brother-in-law (my first wifes brother), decided he was of the annointed a year after he was baptized at 18! Just after his baptism, he began borrowing many of Russell and Rutherfords books from his Kingdom Hall library and said that as a result, Gods holy spirit began guiding his life. After a couple of years, he began trying to correct the elders and even the Circuit Overseers and eventually quit attending meetings. Finally he left and is working with some other "annointed" and will soon reveal Gods new plan and the Society will not be a part of it. Don't say I didn't warn you all.


  • bob1999

    "How should a person be viewed who has determined in his heart that he is now anointed and begins to partake of the emblems at the Memorial? He should not be judged. The matter is between him and Jehovah. (Romans 14:12)" w07 5/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers

  • blondie

    Thanks bob, I was looking for that. Of course, applying it is another thing.

  • Cautious Dove
    Cautious Dove

    It's because the GB and F&DS are a faceless, nameless authority-entity to most JWs - and they like it that way ! It's comfortable. Most JWs don't know who the GB are, and most have never met an anointed. It's easy for them to say "the GB says this" and "the F&DS say that" and talk about "doing good to Christ's brothers" (ie. knock doors offering WT magazines). But when someone "professing to be of the anointed" (don't you just love how they say that ?) shows up in their congregation they don't know what to make of it, especially if they don't fit the "profile". Unless you've got grey hair, wear a smart suit, are a gentle quiet sister or an "elder-type" brother you stand no chance. If you're too young, or a bit rough around the edges, if you ask questions or are just plain awkward (ie. ask "why?" instead of "how high?" when the elders say "jump") the only person who'll accept you is Jesus. But that's ok isn't it ?

  • civicsi00

    This reminds me of something that happened about a year and half ago. (Sorry if it's off-topic a bit) At work, there was this one JW, really nice guy, who commented to me about an "anointed" sister who always fussed at the brothers working in the literature booth. She was apparently causing a fuss over not receiving enough magazines or complaining that she didn't receive whatever it was that she ordered. And even after PROVING to her that she DID receive the things she requested, she still didn't believe it. But it was at this moment that this JW I was talking to, well, his cognitive dissonance stopped working, because the next thing I know, he started saying that he doubted she was "of the anointed" because of the way she was acting. I didn't say anything to him, but I did notice his eyes just kind of glaze off into outer space. It was almost as if he was going to realize at that moment that everything he believed in was a farce... And then he brushed it off and that was the last time he mentioned it. These people in your mom's Cong. are just jealous. It's not up to them to decide who is anointed and who isn't.

  • Cautious Dove
    Cautious Dove

    I understand that teaching has been adjusted somewhat since I left. But I wonder how much the R & F really change what they believe

    Mrs Fiorini, despite the change in understanding I don't think most JWs have adopted the idea that there are "new" anointed appearing in their midst. They usually refer to these ones as "professing to be of the anointed". In other words, the person might think they are anointed but we have doubts. It's very peculiar thinking. On one hand they absolutely believe that there are anointed ones. But if they KNOW the person then they doubt they are anointed. It's like they have a particular view of what an anointed one should be like.

  • Cautious Dove
    Cautious Dove

    How do you quote what someone else has written in a post ? You know, in a shaded box ?

  • still_in74

    so then Jehovahs underserved free gift only goes to those who work the hardest? Well that makes sense...

    witnesses will make perfect sense of this. They will say on one hand that we deserve/earn nothing, that all gifts from jehovah are undeserved. Yet on the other, they will expect only hard workers to be recipients of these free gifts.

    This pattern is ubiquitous among all aspects of "kingdom service" and is probably one of the greatest examples of dichotmey which JW's rationalize on a daily basis. In other words - "I need to go out in service and get my time in this month and go to all the meetings so I can receive the free and undeserved gift of life from Jehovah that non-JW's and less active JW's dont deserve"

    If you are a JW and reading this you can deny it all you want, you know that statement is true. Ask yourself why is it that in order to not question the WT theology you have to deny, deny, deny - deny facts, deny education, deny logic, deny reason, deny questions, deny intellectual honesty? You cannot be a JW and not be denying all of these things on a daily basis. It is a fact of life for a JW and that you cannot deny!

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