My Christmas Party thread on JWD was a smashing success. In view of that success, and because I am bored to tears with winter, I think it's time for another ongoing party thread. This time I want us to charter a yacht. I'm the hostess, but I am open to suggestions for the choice of the boat and the destinations and activities.
Shall we charter a yacht? You're invited to my virtual yacht partay thread...
by FlyingHighNow 38 Replies latest social current
Mickey mouse
Will this one do FHN?
Will there be plenty of life jackets? I can't swim.
Mickey, find us some pictures for inside. What do we want on our yacht? Where to we want to go? I am wondering if the mediterranean might not be kinda wonderul this time of year.
Finally, yes, plenty of life jackets. And a tiny one for your birdie.
Mickey mouse
I've changed my mind. We should have Roman Abramovich's yacht.
Wow, Mickey. Can you find some indoor pics? A virtual tour? Where does the yacht tour?
All ready to go...