My mother retired from her full-time job recently and has started attending meetings again. She also has plenty of time to think about her wayward children, including me. One night, we were talking and she asked me, again, why I wasn't going to meetings. I told her one of my "safe" reasons: how I always felt inadequate as a JW and it stressed me out. Then she began her "motivational" speech:
"What else do you have, other than the meetings? blah, blah, blah. Who else do you have, other than JW's? blah,blah,blah. When D. <my daughter> leaves home, do you think she'll want to spend time with you? Do you think that people you work with care about you? If you don't go to meetings, you'll be destroyed at Armageddon." She took a breath and I replied "Well, if Jehovah wants to do that, I trust his judgment of me." Stunned silence, then a tentative question: "you've given up?".
That was about all the motivation I could stand, so I asked her if she had anything upbuilding to say to me. She answered honestly: "No".
My daughter is a smart cookie. I told her about the conversation and she hit the nail on the head: "Some people need fear to motivate themselves."
How have you/would you reply when being told "You're going die at Armageddon".