Did You Feel Living Under Strict Rules Kept You In The Religion?

by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I know of many people who actually prefer to be told what to do or what not to do because it's easier for them to co-exist. They don't have to really THINK about anything. They just act on autopilot and seem for the most part happy.

    Some feel that government isn't really an interference; the more laws the better!

    Some "in the Truth" also feel that "whatever Mother says is good enough for me". They don't question for they are "sheep".

    It seems that when people start to actually think, that's when they often seek an alternative. Do you agree??

  • minimus

    All I can say is that it's great to be out of "The Organization" and its rules and regulations.

  • crazyblondeb

    Living under all those strict "how to breathe" rules, made me want out even more.

    My mom, doesn't know how to make any decision on her own!! She runs to the elders

    for any, and every type of decision.


  • minimus

    For those that enjoy being dominated, being a JW is a godsend.

  • bythesea

    I absolutely agree with you, Minimus. My hubby is one of those who prefers having strict guidelines and I've talked with others who feel like they can't trust their own judgment or thinking on things but should rely on the FDS or GB to keep them in line.

    In fact, my hubby told me couple of yrs ago that if he wasn't a JW I probably wouldn't like the person he'd become....which is a crock of crap. We were adults and in our middle yrs of life when we became JWs and I LIKED him better when we weren't in the religion! But, he thinks he'd return to a life of "debauchery" if he wasn't a JW. I find that sad because I know it's just an excuse to not investigate the religion and find he's been wrong all these years.

  • Quirky1

    I blame it on the guilt they imposed....

  • minimus

    That's his way of making himself feel better. He'd rather follow orders than think for himself. He might've been a good soldier.

  • journey-on

    Living under strict rules suffocated my individuality and my absolute need to search and research and "make sure of all things". How can you make sure of all things when you are so restricted? If you relinquish your freedom to be who you are, then the strictness of the religion will keep you in. But, the moment you realize it is like a prison for your soul, you CANNOT stay!

    It's like repeat offenders who have been in prison for a good part of their lives. Most will repeat when they get out, because they become so acclimated to being told when to eat, shower, recreate, sleep, get up, and what to do in between that they can't make it on the outside without this same structure. Some people will return to the religion because they can't function on the outside without this extreme structure.

  • minimus

    I KNOW who I am at this point in my life. I have experienced normal/aka/"worldly" things and I have no major hangups. If I lived a more normal life, I could've learned a lot of things when I was younger instead of feeling the need to do so in my later life.

  • fern

    Heck no! Living under strict rules is what made me leave. I think more people (kids mostly) might acutally stay if they'd ease up a bit on all the restrictions.

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