The Kool-Aid Edition

by Alpaca 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    I just found copies of the January 1, 2009 WT and the January Awake that were left in public place. It was the first time I've looked at either rag in probably 10 years.

    The writing is absolutely pathetic.

    It got me to wondering.

    What does the Kool-Aid edition look like? Is the writing/reading also at a 4th grade level? Is it also 32 pages long? Are all of the articles in the KA version study articles?

    I don't even know why I care about it--just curious I guess.

    Has the KA edition accomplished what the BORG intended? What was the reason for the KA, by the way?

  • BabaYaga

    I am curious too, Alpaca. I have wondered... do they just leave out entire articles, or do they change the wording within the paragraphs? Are they really just 2 completely different magazines, one for "marketing" and one for "brainwashing"?

  • seek2find

    You can see how they look at and clicking on the study edditions. The public and study editions are completely different magazines. The study copy has 4 or 5 study articles and a few filler articles. The public one has more articles targeting regular people. The articles do seem to be getting worse as far as writing quality, but maybe it's just me and my "critical attitude" seek2find

  • BabaYaga

    Thanks, Seek2... but it looks like they are only available as audio files? Am I missing something?

  • sir82

    Correct, on, they are only available as audio files. You have to be "in the loop" to get a printed copy.

    But answering your question, yes, they are written just as poorly as the other mags. Good Lord, "People" magazine has more depth!

  • Gregor

    I think everyone in the writing department has one of those little "KISS" signs in their cubicles.

  • Alpaca

    In their case does the KISS stand for "Keep It Stupid Simpleton"???

  • Gregor

    In their case does the KISS stand for "Keep It Stupid Simpleton"???

    LOL, That works too.

  • WTWizard

    I have found many Kool-Aid Washtowels online, and they are every bit as poorly written as the Showcase Washtowels and the Asleeps. Articles are written to be as confusing as they can be, so that people will not see if anything has changed. It also creates the illusion that they need the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to interpret the Bible for them.

  • hubert

    Alpaca said: "Is the writing/reading also at a 4th grade level?

    No, it's probably more like 1st. or 2nd. grade level, like the rest of their material.

    I just read the new "Congregation bible study" book, called "Keep Yourselves in God's love", and it reads just like the book I had in first or second grade many, many years ago. Remember? "Fun with Dick and Jane". I kid you not.


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