Did you ever notice how double standard leads JWs’ life?
If someone who’s joining the JWs gets shunned by his family/friends, that’s “persecution”, if a JW who joins another religion (or does anything outside the rules) gets the same treatment that’s “loving discipline”.
If they are invited to another religion’s ceremony they won’t go, viewing their participation as “sharing in false worship”; yet at the same time they keep on inviting members of other faiths to share in their own celebrations (memorial) and expect them to show up and participate.
They fight worldwide, even in courts, for freedom of speech, yet they don’t grant such freedom to their own members.
They encourage people to question and closely scrutinize their beliefs; but they are discouraged to do the same themselves.
They expect people to read and study their publications; yet they won’t touch other faiths’ literature with a stick for fear of getting polluted.
Other examples?