WTF?!?!........Have i jumped the Republican party too soon?......Ron Kirk US Trade Representative pic owes nearly $10,000 in back taxes on improper deductions and unreported income!!.........say it ain't so this any indication of what the average Democrat does?....or just those with some coin?.......i hope just those with coin which is of course everyone Obama has picked.....i guess the more taxes are raised on the "rich"....the better they get at figuring out ways to avoid paying them.......i do find this disturbing.............oompa
Holy Crap! 4th Obama pic has cheated on taxes!!!....
by oompa 12 Replies latest social current
You know what! I can't pay the $6000 that I owe the IRS in taxes for last year 2008...and I might lose my job at anytime.
I will not send a check to the IRS in April. That is my stimulus for survival. UP YOURS Obama!
lmao!...Ri when i first read that....i thought you said "up your Oompa!"........whew.......oomps
WASHINGTON – Ron Kirk, nominated as U.S. Trade Representative in the Obama administration, owes an estimated $10,000 in back taxes from earlier in the decade and has agreed to make his payments, the Senate Finance Committee said Monday.
The committee said the taxes arise from Kirk's handling of speaking fees that he donated to his alma mater, and for his deduction of the full cost of season tickets to the Dallas Mavericks professional basketball team.
The disclosure made the former Dallas mayor the latest in a string of top-level Obama administration appointees found to have underpaid their taxes, following Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle , who withdrew as candidate for Health and Human Services secretary. Nancy Killefer , Obama's pick for chief performance officer, also bowed out amid tax problems.
White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said Kirk was working to clear up "a few minor issues" uncovered by the committee and expressed confidence he would be confirmed.
Despite the error, Sen. Max Baucus , D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, issued a statement calling Kirk "the right person for this job," and said he would attempt to have the nomination moved through the panel quickly.
Kirk routinely gave any speaking fees he earned to Austin College, the committee said, and did not list them on his tax returns .
Instead, the committee said he should have listed the fees as income, then claimed them as charitable donations. The estimated effect was to reduce Kirk's tax bill by an estimated $5,800, according to the report.
Kirk also deducted more than $17,000 as entertainment expenses for the cost of Mavericks' tickets. The committee said he substantiated about $9,900 of that amount, and will owe about $2,600 in taxes on the balance.
The committee said that last fall, Kirk amended his income tax return for 2006, paying an additional $2,188 in tax and $139 in interest after a notification from the Internal Revenue Service . The return was filed by a paid tax preparer , the panel added.
I know what you mean.
It is pretty disappointing that these guys can't just do what they are supposed to do. What are they thinking anyway? Do they think that they will get around to it later and that when they do there will somehow be new circumstances that will allow them to pay less?
I would like to know what their thought process is that makes them think that not paying is a legitimate choice in the list of options.
i do find this disturbing.............oompa
Wow...a few thousand not paid in taxes and that disturbs you after all the lying and thieving that's gone on for 8 years. Haliburton, no bids, the military stealing - were you also endorsing legalized theft like all the deregulation and winking that allowed corporations like Walmart to defer 2.5 billion in taxes to just one state and pay only 3 million of their taxes...those billions in taxes that the taxpayer in the state needs.
I find the attitude toward the middle class and poor more disturbing especially since I heard Hannity's little tirade today - he and Rush are apparently the representatives of the Republican party so if that's the mindset - (shrug) -
Hannity just said (in summary) ' Obama wants change and there you have it - he's giving help to people who don't deserve it, the poor'.
I think I'll go and check out the pages on unionization - that's the only way that people will regain their power - sammieswife.
sixof nine thanks! cool with it now...the guys seem like a really nice guy and these seem like genuine mistakes....frankly i dont even see why he would owe the 10k unless he was hit with a TON of penalties and interest...he should only owe the 2600 IMO as he donated all the speech income....geeze now i have to do another thread to apolize and praise this guy!........thanks again six...the tv media really misrepresent this!!!..................oompa
WTF?!?!........Have i jumped the Republican party too soon?......Ron Kirk US Trade Representative pic owes nearly $10,000 in back taxes on improper deductions and unreported income!!.........say it ain't so this any indication of what the average Democrat does?....or just those with some coin?.......
Oh and I must also add - Palin also has to repay $6,000 that she claimed on her taxes as expenses for her kids to travel. Last I heard she was still a Republican - I believe she was running for the VP - disturbing that a VP nominee that wanted to run the country, was trying to scam the system and not pay her taxes I think. ....and wasn't it McCain, that old guy that was running for President, the same guy that didn't pay his property taxes for 5 years or something?? Say it ain't so!!! Republicans don't cheat do they??? Are these any indication of what the average Republican does??? If you are that disturbed by what the Democrats are doing, it's just a hop, skip and jump to any other party that you admire for it's ideologies and plans for the future of the USA. Go for it - it's a free country - sammieswife.
sammie...did you not read sixofnines post nor my last one.....this guy is a saint and did NOT cheat on his taxes like the other may have.......he made two genuine and simple mistakes.....hell one time the irs said i owed over 40k in back taxes and penalties!!!...i kicked their ass on my first appeal!!!........that was fun but it caused me a lot of stress and 3k in accountant costs........the bastards....i so hope obama gets rid of the irs!!!.............oompa