Our JW Friend told by Elder "Satan is using a Pedophile to Break your Faith"

by flipper 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    So their 'god' is testing her on the pedofile issue, at the expense of the innocent children. Absurd!! Disgusting!! The pedofile has no right to be on a 'stage/platform' anywhere!!

  • jamiebowers

    This man needs to be exposed on a grand scale. Flipper, tell that sister to contact a reliable news source, even a consumers' reporter. Whether or not this guy has molested again or has been allowed to go unaccompanied in field service, THAT ISN'T THE STORY. THE REAL STORY IS THAT JWS ALLOW SUCH CREEPS TO HOLD POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY IN THE CONGREGATION AND GO DOOR TO DOOR AT ALL!!!!!!! Convicted pedophiles aren't allowed to work or volunteer in any profession that allows close contact with children, such as teaching, daycare, etc. Most companies that provide in home services such as cleaning, maintenance and repair will not employ any convicted criminal for fear of lawsuits in case the former jail bird victimizes a customer. At the very least, people in that area will write "Do Not Call" letters and stifle the door to door work if a news story is done on this situation, and congregants will be fully informed of this nastiness.

  • chellechelle

    she may not want to get thorougly involved in this situation for the sake of keeping her own sanity, but what i think needs to happe is to go to the authorities. if you are concerned that he is touching his own daugher you can even leave annoymous tips to child and family services, oh, and is there a mother in the picture here?

    when you notice him doing something, everytime write down what it is he is doing and keep a record one really good thing would be to get someone else to notice this aswell. if there is another witness the cops will act sooner as the information is more credible. However, if he is already on the sex offender lsit any little thing that he would do would be investigate. i know that you would want to be absolutely sure before doing something like this but really think of it this was, and im not wanting anyone to feel bad, if there is any suspicious that a child is being abused or hurt you should do all you can to stop this.

    it was good to start with the elders as they could keep watch on him aswell, but yopur eally need to go to the authorities. you can even tell them about the elder you talked to who agreed with you breifly and he will be required to tell the truth to the police about this, both under law, and under his so called christian conscience.. i will comment more later

    but best of luck :)


  • flipper

    Before I answer all your replies individually - our friend wanted me to post information about WHAT she is doing in a proactive way and tell you about the resistance she is up against - not only from the elders.

    Our friend did contact a police detective and informed him of the pedophile and all the details. At first the detective was nice, supportive, and interested in looking into this case. But when our friend contacted the police detective later after he had talked to the elders , he was dismissive , and rude to our friend saying not to pursue it. He said the pedophile had served his time in prison- and to leave him alone. Obviously the elders had gotten to this detective and smoothed things over and said our friend is making a big deal out of nothing.

    Also, our friend has put forth great efforts to bring this jerk off pedophile to justice - but she is getting a lot of opposition from the JW upper classmen. Namely the elders in her congregation and the circuit overseer who refused to read the official court records indicating how dangerous the crimes were that this man committed. It seems they are putting all of their efforts towards covering the whole thing up , mainly by discrediting our friend saying she is insane, or just weak spiritually !

    She did warn a sister recently who has a small 3 year old girl about the pedophile and his past record of prison time for the offense. Guess what happened ? This sister went straight to the elders and ratted out our friend for talking about the pedophile ! Then the elders counseled our friend that she was gossipping about the pedophile and to stop because it caused divisions. Then to add injury to insult this sister with her 3 year old daughter at the next meeting SAT next to the pedophile to show she felt no ill will towards him. Pretty freaky, don't you think ?

    Listen - These people are so twisted that our friend is dealing with here. She really has NO support in her congregation. She is TRULY like a voice in the wilderness . Even her husband is intimidated as the elders are working on him as well . It could be that these elders are hiding something else which has yet to be uncovered. Or - Maybe the pedophile threatened them with a lawsuit if they tried to discriminate against him, and they are trying to cover the societies legal a$$ . Who knows ? But it certainly sends a bad message to the congregation when they let this creep the pedophile give talks , while he is NOT stopping from touching children at meetings. The elders did tell him to stop, but he still does it. Somehow - he has them over a barrel. So he is being rewarded with privileges for not listening to the elders. The people who are trying to help our friend on the outside said that for this man to have gotten a lengthy 10 year prison term for child abuse in the late 1970's then it HAD to be a severely awful case of child abuse !

    Tonight our friend and her husband are talking to the circuit overseer at their house . He's coming over. I told our friend - if he or the elders threaten you in any way - tell them you'll go to the media and inform them of everything, and the local newspapers. We'll see if that makes them squirm. So, anyway just wanted to bring you all up to speed on the latest ! I'll reply to your posts on another post as this is getting a bit long

  • flipper

    TRUTHSETSONEFREE- Isaac- Very true what you say. There is a big problem with the JW cult. Nobody gets ANY authentic support. Just fake cult support.

    PARAKEET- Your point is a good one. She could play the " I'm so stumbled by this " card and it may turn the attention more to the pedophile , however it seems to me like these elders are hiding something. Perhaps one elder is hiding info from another elder. It's weird. Our friend HAS been warning parents with children - but the elders chastise her for it !

    YKNOT- She is trying to do all she can with what she has to work with right now. I'm sure she will take it further the more she gets pushed.

    MRS> FIORNI- Yes, our friend has informed the pedophile she is watching him. The elders pretend to - just to satisfy her.

    WTWIZARD- Perhaps Jehovah brought the pedophile to expose the rotten elders in the congregation - so it would disband ! Now there's a twist for you !

    NATHAN NATAS- Good point. If Jehovahcan't keep his own house clean - how in the hell will he keep an alleged " paradise " clean ?

    UNDERCOVER- Very true. The witnesses are a cult and it is evidenced by what you said. All cults try to protect their reputation through deception . All cults try to shoot the messenger as well.

    LOUBELLE- It is sick. This pedophile should be put in a straightjacket and taken away and put in prison away from any children.

    DINAH- I don't know what stipulations were put on the pedophile - but he was convicted years ago in the 1970's, got out in early 1990's. I don't know if there is a statue of limitations thing or not about restrictions.

    WUZLUVDUBS- That is an insane experience you shared ! Well- I guess it shouldn't surprise me. The WT society covers up thousands of child abuse cases so it wouldn't be much of a stretch to cover up murder for them. Jesus.

    GAYLE- You are right ! The pedophile has no right to be on the stage giving talks if he's going around touching children .

    JAMIEBOWERS- I did tell the sister to contact a reliable news source - especially if she gets more resistance as she has been getting. We will see what happens tonight when she meets with the circuit overseer and her husband ! I agree with you - this creep shouldn't be allowed to get close to children at all ! I'll keep you informed on the latest.

    CHELLECHELLE- You asked about the pedophiles wife, the mother? She approves of him touching the daughter and other children. She does nothing to prevent it. Disgusting . So our friend has told the authorities ; but the elders are fighting her hard on this. It's a tough situation. She's doing her best - without going insane herself ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    If she isn't already doing it, she should document everything. Every conversation she has with the elders and CO about it, every conversation she has with the pedophile. She should keep extensive notes of eveything she sees, hears and all concerns she has, including how she feels about it. This information may come in handy later.

    Bless her for doing this and best of luck to her!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So our friend was really shocked that this P.O. elder was shifting the blame from the pedophile to " Satan " trying to draw her away from Jehovah by using the pedophile to shake her faith. My wife and I told her that it was an easy, convenient way for the elder to not deal with the real culprit, the pedophile , and shift the blame to some inanimate figure like Satan ! It is such a copout on the elders part to ignore the real devil in this - the pedophile !

    When I was exiting, over the two-witness abuse rule, I confronted each and every elder, a couple of COs and a DO with this question that I have never seen addressed in anyWitness literature:

    During the reign of one of the "bad" kings in Israel, or later Judah, what did faithful Joe Israelite do? I mean, how did he faithfully worship Jehovah? The appointed theocratic arrangement had turned away from Jehovah, despite miracles, prophets, etc., and embraced Satanic thought and worship. And yet they still represented themselves as the "chosen" organization since we know the temple in Jerusalem was used, even to the point of children being sacrificed. There would have been no priesthood, no Levites and no one to teach Joe Isrealite the truth about the Mosaic law.

    So what did that individual, and no doubt there were more than one, do? How did they worship Jehovah in an acceptable way? What did they do when Jehovah's organization turned bad?

    And, further, if Jehovah's organization has turned bad before, despite the presence of prophets, writers of the Bible and even Jesus himself, why should we be so arrogant as to say that could not happen today?

    Lots of uncomfortable silence. No one offered up any response. I think, in retrospect, they were scared to frankly.

    But I also think this is a somewhat fine point the Society will never, ever address, and it's something I thought about quite a lot growing up during all those boring assemblies.

    In the end, we all have to answer for ourselves, don't we? Follow someone else blindly, don't be surprised if you fall off a cliff.



    Flipper..The WBT$ & the JW`s are going to protect that piece of sh*t..He`ll abuse more kids and they will keep protecting him.......The policemans hands are tied until there`s a crime.......This is a no win situation..For every child in that Kingdom Hall.....

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • shopaholic

    Sometimes you can only get through to people when you speak their language. At the next meeting, regardless of the topic, she should give a comment about Br. Perv and Jehovah being a loving God.

    "He is so loving that he used his holy spirit to direct Br. Perv to repent of his sins as child molester. After spending 12 years (or whatever) Jehovah still did not allow his heart to be hardened. Br. Perv can touch the children in this congregation and Jehovah loving provides holy spirit to control his sexual urges to molest the children. So if Br. Perv can control his urges as a child molester, there is still hope for all other child molesters that don't yet know Jehovah."

    I was at congregation where people used this tactic ALL the time but never for molestation. It was quite entertaining.

  • flipper

    MRS. FIORNI- Yes- our friend is documenting everything. Every conversation with elders, what the pedophile does, etc. conversations with him- the whole nine yards. She is a special lady to be doing this - but it's raising her stress level dealing with the fallout from elders for doing it.

    BIG TEX- Very good post ! I too think the elders are scared to admit the organization HAS gone bad because it destroys everything they believe in. I mean no more Armageddon, no more paradise, everything. Everything they have hung their false hopes and dreams on. So they go on burying their heads in the sand like ostriches hoping the child abuse problem goes away . But it will keep haunting this organization as long as they protect pedophiles.

    OUTLAW- Yeah, I know you're right. The elders will keep protecting this piece of $hit pedophile because they are more concerned about this leaking out to the public for the alleged " protection of the organization ". To the witnesses and WT society the outward appearance of their cult is more important than the safety of children.

    SHOPAHOLIC- That is a good idea you have to make a pointed comment bringing up the pedophile's name in revealing what the brother was in the past and how God allows him to be there. Pretty good. Our friend told us that the pedophile and his elder friend made comments at WT sudies before saying , " We need to forgive any wrongs people have repented over. Jehovah can work miracles in people. " They made this comment to diss our friend for talking about the pedophile . So , hey- she SHOULD do it back. Good point

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