There was a hall that was merged a few years back in my area...And talks of another two consildating. I agree that the quality of elders is going way down. I'm a pretty far gone fader, but will go back on occasion to a meeting (mainly for family) and all the bright, smart, caring, intellegent, funny, charming ones I remember growing up with have been replaced by Cold, roboting and boring elders. It's funny because once an elder steps down it's almost like they retire or lose their identity, they usually end up sitting in the back during the meetings and don't do anything (no commenting, no mics, no talks, nothing). I went to a meeting recently after not having gone in about six months, and the speaker was so boring and the talk was so "dumb-downed", a monkey would think they were being taken for a moron.
7 Congregations in My Area, VT, MA, NH, Have Been Cut to 3!!!
by Seeker4 33 Replies latest jw friends
Superman was a Jehovah`s Witness??!!............How`s Lois?..
Superman was a Jehovah`s Witness??!!............How`s Lois?..
She doing OK, we had to break things off (on account of not being married) and dating to long! Plus, the whole fighting crime and saving the world also got in the way of personal study, the meetings, and field service. I shouldn't have tried to save the world, I should have just left it in Jehovahs hands!!!!LOL
SuperMan..Did you and Lois have any "illegitimate children(SuperBastards)"?..
Yeah, I think you might call them Nephlin!
Too bad the area I am in seems to be stable--no congregations are being disbanded or merged. But then again, as long as poor "sisters" in their 60s and up are putting $20 bills into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund (that could have otherwise been used to pay bills and buy good stuff before the Inflation Stimulus packages kick in), they are not likely to dissolve any of the congregations in the area. And, I have no way of knowing what their boasting session attendance has been doing without risking being recaptured.
Nice to know that the Monadnock region of New Hampshire is seeing a nice decline, and that Jehovah's Witlesses in that area are not doing well.
Here in ol' Dixie, congregations are still growing, or at least not shrinking. People from up north keep moving down, due to economy and/or weather.
What's funny is that even though 99% of the "growth" here is due to people moving in from out of state, comments at the WT study & elsewhere give the impression that there is so much "growth" in the organization, that people are still "streaming in", "look at all the new congregations that are forming! Jehovah is surely blessing the work!"
WTWizard, when you mentioned about the 'Stimulus' package, I expect the WTS will be encouraging the people to send their Stimulus money on to them. I am sure many will. Makes me sick!
WTWizard, when you mentioned about the 'Stimulus' package, I expect the WTS will be encouraging the people to send their Stimulus money on to them. I am sure many will. Makes me sick!
troubled mind
Before we left (almost four yrs. now ) Several of the small rural congregations in our circuit had been dissolved and merged with others ...One I remember for sure was Princeton ,IL. I imagine by now some of the ones farther south around the Champaign rural areas have dissolved . They were only about 30 publishers max and 50 % of those were elderly .