OUR guilty sins...use disabled toilets and don't always pay train fare! Yours?

by Witness 007 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Not much of a sinner but I'm ashamed and must confess...sometimes I use the mens disabled toilets as an "executive washroom"...I don't like peeing in front of others and feel traped in those horrid cubicals but otherwise am not disabled. {The Shame, I check for disabled folks first!} Also if I don't have change I don't pay the train fare on my short trip home so I don't miss the train....feel abit bad and I'm trying to quit these awful pratices.

    Whats your sin fess up????

  • LouBelle

    I've parked in disabled parking outside an ATM machine.

    In Scotland I didn't pay for a trainfare from Glasgow to Sheffield.

    I've farted at work - wasn't loud and it wasn't smelly.

    I've eaten off someones' plate without them knowing.

    This one wasn't my fault: I kept money that Old Mutual sent to me. Let me explain. I wanted to open up a savings and do an initial deposit of R3000 - so I found out all the information. It wasn't a lucrative intrest plan so didn't go ahead. However somehow they had opened the policy and had R 3000 in funds (I didn't give them any money) and I didn't know about the opened account until they were closing that option down and I got an electronic payment of R 3000 into my account - I did follow up and try give the money back - but to no avail.

  • WTWizard

    Worshiping the Devil. I do that by exposing religion as being specious, irrational, and a complete waste of one's time. Sure beats vandalizing churches (which usually ends up having the effect of strengthening the congregations and getting more contributions on their plates, which is counterproductive). I prefer derailing their myths, which reduces morale (and usually attendance and the amount that ends up on that plate).

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    hmmm well I get to use the disabled stall in public washrooms and here the train is free if you are disabled and are using a wheelchair or scooter.

    I also get to park in the disabled parking spots shame shame if you do cuz my cousin Vinny needed it lol

    oh I know I steal WTs and Awakes out of medical offices or anywhere else I find them my bad

    I eat too much junk food - does that count? I even hide it when people are coming over cuz I don't want them to know - hmm too late if they are reading this lol

    I watch soap operas - wonters are a drag when youy are using a wheelchair to get out

    I'm not working so that leaves the farting out. I don't steal food from anyone's plate

    the money -- oh yeah when I was a JW I entered a shopping mall contest and won $500 in the draw but I didn't feel guilty enough to give it back or report myself to the elders

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I like to eat Spam.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If it's the only toilet open and there are no disabled people needing it, then yes, I'll use the handicapped toilet.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Mrs Fiorini..........SPAM???? No one eats SPAM....it's like eating dog food, there is no spices on the planet to kill the horrid taste.

  • lisavegas420

    Sometimes if I'm not in the mood....I'll pretend I didn't see someone I know so I don't have to talk.

    I always use the handicapped toilet if I can...there's more room and I can take the grandkid(s) in with me and not worry about them being kidnapped or then getting into something they aren't supposed to. Didn't know it was a no-no.


  • rebel8

    AFAIK, being disabled means you get to have a toilet that's usable to you, not that you get to avoid waiting in lines. If there's someone in line behind me who is obviously disabled and looks like waiting would be a burden, I let her ahead. If not, I take the next available one. I see nothing wrong with this?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I've cheated on my taxes. I've not reported tips. One year, when I did some cleaning work for my brother and sister, I didn't report any of that either.

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