How do some stay in despite violating the Society rules over and over?

by donny 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • donny

    What I still find strange is how one person can "fornicate" or violate some other major rule of the Society and elders swarm on them and almost shove them out the door, yet others can violate the rules endlessly and never seem to receive any consequence.

    My oldest daughter (baptized) married a JW back in 2002 and they divorced in 2005. She then went through various boyfriends over the next couple of years and in early 2007 she married a "worldly" guy who was in the U.S. Marine Corps. and shortly after the marriage was sent to Iraq. Nothing was ever said about this as far as I know, but according to JW teaching when I was part of the "mess", this constitues "fornication". Not only that, but her MySpace page was loaded with all kinds of pro-US military pictures and the like.

    Sadly, her husband died from being shot in the head and I remember many JW's being at the funeral at a U.S. Military station in Arlington, TX. I saw my ex and former "brothers and sisters" cavorting among the Marines and admiring their uniforms. While I was glad they were putting on this "positive" face for my daughters sake, I found it very strange that they were so fascinated with anything associated with the military.

    According to my youngest daughter (who also is baptized and has done many, many things that would/should result in disfellowshipment), no elder has said anything to my oldest other than divorcing a JW and marrying a worldly person is "not trusting in Jehovah."

    While I am not complaining that the Society seems to overlook everything my daughters do, I find it odd that they seem to skirt the rules so much and never get called on it.


  • blondie

    I would assume that the elders involved with her divorce felt that she had scriptural grounds for remarrying even if it was a non-jw. Otherwise it is adultery to remarry without that basis. Was she reproved privately? So far marrying a non-jw is not a df'ing offense.

  • Satanus

    The biggest sins are those against the org. As long as theyappear to believe in the org and say so, other sins might be ignored.


  • WTWizard

    If they feel that they can get something out of the "sin"ner, they will sometimes disregard the "sin". Otherwise, they are likely to rag on the "sin"ner. And they are more likely to rag on the "sin"ner if they feel that the "sin"ner has too much to lose by getting put out.

    On the other hand, if the "sin"ner has little or nothing to lose, they will be more likely to hound and harass than disfellowship.

  • donny

    I would assume that the elders involved with her divorce felt that she had scriptural grounds for remarrying even if it was a non-jw. Otherwise it is adultery to remarry without that basis. Was she reproved privately? So far marrying a non-jw is not a df'ing offense.

    Yes, you would assume such, but no, according to her and my youngest daughter, she was never reproved. She left the JW husband because he was "boring". She was the one who "broke the marriage" bonds and as as I am aware, her JW ex-mate has yet to remarry and still attends meetings. My daughter may attend one or two a year.

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    Nothing is more boring and depressing that being a JW.

  • blondie

    donny, I would say that either those are some real wildcat elders or that she may not be giving you the whole story.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    It could be that the elders just don't see her as a threat.

    While my ex and I were still JW's, i went to the elders a couple of times because my husband began using meth and other drugs. The elders just didn't seem to care. They barely even talked to me and they never even bothered to talk to my husband about it.

    I think that for what ever reason, they just didn't care and didn't see it as much of a problem.

    (btw we were both baptised and in good standing in the congo)

  • BluesBrother

    The inconsistency of treating people differently is something that I see more and more .

    Basically, if the elders like you, and it helps if a woman is good looking and knows how to say the right thing at the right time, the elders are more likely to turn a blind eye to their actions

    After all, they are only men ! I used to think that it had something to do with God but I know better now..

  • Elsewhere

    > How do some stay in despite violating the Society rules over and over?

    It's easy! They just have a taste for sweaty elder ass crack. A few good laps and they're back in good standing!

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