Obama proclaims March 2009 Irish-American Heritage Month

by betterdaze 20 Replies latest social current

  • betterdaze

    Shameless pandering.

    Congress first designated it by public law in 1991. Both Republican and Democrat administrations have issued the proclamation each year (18) since.

    This is in addition to

    Black History Month – February – 1926

    Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month – May – 1977

    Hispanic Heritage Month – September – 1968

    American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month – November – 1990

    Sounds fake to me


    BTW, Obama's ancestor Fulmuth Kearney from Moneygall, Co. Offaly emigrated to America in 1850 at the age of 19. A shoemaker by trade, he settled in Ohio as a farmer.

  • snowbird

    Obama is part Irish, so to whom is he pandering?

    Tee hee hee.


  • mkr32208

    Can 't we all just get along? Failing that lets get drunk and THEN get along!

  • BurnTheShips

    I am aware of Obama's Irish ancestry, but I think it is BSmove. Pretty soon we will have a month dedicated to gay mormon Asian's with cleft palates at the rate we are going. Besides, to dedicate an Irish month in the middle of Lent is sheer stupidity.


  • yesidid

    A question for you Burn.

    When George WH Bush first proclaimed March to be Irish-American Month, and when George W Bush

    made the same proclaimation was that "Shameless pandering" ?


  • BurnTheShips

    All these ethnic months are bullshit. Identity politics. The left started this. They try to make us "proud" of our particular ethnicity. This helps to keep us divided against each other over things that should not matter. Divided they conquer us. And as a hispanic, I say the same regarding Hispanic month. I am not partial.


  • yesidid


    I didn't know George WH was a lefty. When did this happen?

    It must have been after he left the White House.

  • BurnTheShips

    GW payed lip service. Look at him. Look at his policies. Look at the size of the government during his tenure. JFK, a democrat of a generation before, was to the right of him. The whole spectrum has shifted left. GWB was just following the trend rather than bucking it.


  • yesidid
    GWB was just following the trend rather than bucking it.

    How could GWB be "just following the trend" when he started it?

    So George W was just following the trend, ..................but.............. when Obama did it it was

    "Shameless pandering"

    Interesting the way your mind works.................or doesn't work.

  • BurnTheShips

    Look at these ethnic months, the Irish one is just the newest on the list. They have been around since I was a kid. GWB did not start it. It is stupid pandering no matter who does it. By the way, if you want to call me stupid, just come out and say it. No need to veil it. I am smart enough to know what you are trying to say regardless.


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