With the economic downturn affecting my personal financial situation my plans will be limited unless it turns around.
What are your plans for summer?
by Quirky1 11 Replies latest jw friends
I'll do the same as I do every year. I'll hang around the house.
Wow, I was all set for a happy thread Quirk.
Come on out to California, I'll BBQ some tri tip, make fresh salsa and whip up some Margaritas.
I will be going to my neices wedding, in the Pacific Northwest. Lot's of family fun I'm sure. Oh and I will probably be going to Vegas for my own wedding
Planning on a couple of trips to Yosemite.
A real garden!
Other than that, sitting by the pool, and hoping to have many visitors to cook for!!
Deciding if i should get a house or keep renting.
My 1 year review comes up in june, so we get to talk about salary.
I'm going to dump $ on a home entertainment center (TV, PC, etc).
I'm sure i'm going to go camping at least once, might go to the beach, see a bunch of those summer blockbusters (star trek, transformers, etc). A couple of barbeques. Maybe a road trip. And might join an MMA club around the way.
Beks - we go to Yosemite at least once a year. Do you camp there?
Hey Purza! I used to camp there at least a couple of times a year. It's been a while. Mostly day trips now. (I'm old, have a bad back, and trouble sleeping on the ground). I am hoping this year to make a valiant effort on Half Dome. I assume we will camp.
Fly fishing
Mountain Biking
Oh and a Calculus class.
Beks - you have a PM.
Hey Purza, you have an email
I will say goodnight, I have to work tomorrow.