Would you die for someone else?

by LouBelle 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My daughter, my granddaughter, my mom and even my exwife. Instinct also takes hold of a person too. So who knows who else?

  • Quirky1

    I'm already dying for someone else...my taxes are killing me!!

  • Bubblie

    I would hope if someone was in danger and I could help them by pushing them out of the way and not die that would be acceptable. Not sure I have anyone I love that much anymore that I would die for them. Quirky once again, you made me laugh! You are very cleaver.


  • BurnTheShips

    I would die for my wife and son without a doubt.


  • BurnTheShips
    I'm already dying for someone else...my taxes are killing me!!

    You know what they say about death and taxes quirky.....

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am very sure that I would go as far as I could to save the life of even a stranger.
    If my efforts resulted in my death, then I am okay with that.

    I would volunteer to be the first hostage shot instead of anyone else.

    I just feel that I could live with myself best if I know that I did all that I could for
    another life. I don't feel as comfortable thinking about how I would say, "If only
    I had tried."

  • parakeet

    I would unhesitatingly throw myself in front of a bus if it meant saving a member of my family.

    I'd like to think I'd do the same for a child unknown to me, but I can't be 100% sure.

    For an adult stranger, not sure. Although I agree with OnTheWayOut -- I'm not sure I could live with myself if I didn't at least try.

  • cameo-d


  • cameo-d

    ...On second thought....NO!

    There is really a lack of detail here and circumstances that would have to be considered.

    What your question means to you might be something different than what it means to me.

    I wouldn't volunteer to be a PROXY human sacrifice for some cult ritual!

  • Lillith26

    Cant really say- haven't done it yet! but I can say with confidence that I wouldn't want to be the person who ever trys to harm my children, my reasoning ability goes out the window and my basic human instincts to protect my family kick in. I think thats another reason I probably would not have made a good JW- thou shall not fuk wid my family and get away with it

    But all that aside- Iam a lover, not a fighter- well, most of the time!

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