Did you ever have "Real Freinds" in the KH?

by Quirky1 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    Yes, a good friend left the dubs almost immediately after I did. We've been friends for 40 years. That reminds me, I must give her a call tomorrow.

  • digderidoo

    Yeah i did.

    Stuck by me through thick and thin, always said if i ever got disfellowshipped he wouldn't stop talking to me. Continued his association with me after i faded, much to the disgust of some.

    Eventually he faded, we are still best friends and have been since we were 14, some 25 years ago.


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life
    No, but I did have non-jw friends that I could count on and trust. That was one of the reasons I started looking at the WTS with different eyes.

    Same here, Blondie. This was the biggest wake-up call to me. My best friends were people outside of the JWs. There was no one that I could count on and trust that I knew at the KH.

  • chickpea

    there were a few that were fun to hang out with...

    but they were as real as the b0rg allows,
    ready to drop/judge you as soon as you
    admit to having irreconcilable differences
    with the b00bs in br00klyn....

    how real is that?

  • Purza

    Very few. Two to be exact. One left with me and the other one is on the fringe and spends time with me whenever I call (which is not very often). Basically, your JW friends are ONLY your friends because you are in the same boat as them. When you leave, they drop you like a hot potato.


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I have had no JW friends for many years now, so that answers that question. What is sadder is that apparently even some of my family aren't "real."

  • PEC

    Give your KH a call and ask.

  • HappyDad

    In the truf? NEVER

    I learned the hard way. No matter how friendly and trustworthy a brother tried to come across, once you confided anything to him.......and if it even slightly seemed out of kilter to the dub way of thinking..........they took your confidential conversation to an elder.

    1984 and communism spying all rolled into one. Your friendship meant nothing if they could move up a rung on the BOE friendship ladder.

    My only real friends.......and I didn't realize it at the time.........were the non-JW guys I worked with.


  • R.F.


  • free2think


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