The Washtowel & Bile Duct Society
For Fun- If you could give the JW's a nickname
by megaflower 25 Replies latest jw friends
Rules and Regulations, I do believe you are the WINNER!!! After all, the WTS is full of sh#t.
You all are so creative. Some of you have given this much thought. I still like the jehovas.
Je-cockroachjizz-hovah's witlesses.
"Joe-Hoes" probably was the best name when Joseph Rutherford was their pimp.
Don't forget the "Watchtower Cult."
Melody Blankenship
How about the IN's.....for inverted nipples! If you haven't heard the joke, it is:
Why do JW's have inverted nipples?
Answer said while poking them in the chest area: Get your ass off my porch, you SOB!!