What do you think about this letter to the JC???

by tsar_robles 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • passwordprotected

    I thought the same way for a while, as did my wife; how can we be cut off from our families? We were all pretty close, used to go on holiday together etc. But eventually we DAd knowing that we'd lose all of this. It hurt - painfully - for a while, but now we've made our peace with it and we see it for what it is; they can't be close us to because we're not affiliated with a publishing company. Whether our families fully realise this or not isn't clear, but it has helped us make peace with the conditions JWs put on all of their relationships.

    So, you wish to still be a part of this? You do realise that your JW family only have you in their lives conditionally? Right now you're DFd so they're not having anything to do with you, I assume?

  • mkr32208

    Good god that was pathetic, grow a backbone.

    Reading that letter caused ME to choke on my vomit!

  • tsar_robles

    thank you all.... i hope that if I ever get reinstated for one I wont be going out to field circus or tms and 2. I'll probably reduce my meeting attendance just enough where i can keep family ties in good shape....

  • parakeet

    tsar: "yes there is a reason... I cannot see myself not being able to share a laugh with my jw family ever again..."

    But what a price you must pay! And eventually, your son will have to pay, too.

    I left the JWs because I couldn't bear putting my (then) young son through the same torture I had to endure as a JW kid. I never regretted that decision. My JW parents decided they loved me and my son more than the dub rule that said they shouldn't talk to me. Don't underestimate the power of grandparents' love for their grandchildren.

    As a parent, your son's well-being should come first in all your decisions. But, whatever decision you make, good luck to you.

  • lrkr

    Just FYI. No matter what congregation you are in, the elders in your congregation have to send your request for reinstatement to the elders that served on your original JC and they have to pass judgement.

    I hope you find peace.

  • oompa

    I can not comment on you letter as the situation is so sad that you probably are saying things you feel you must even if you do not want to...like a gun is at your head as a hostage........but i do suggest the purple disk...Advair....it changed my life for good...........oompa

  • Gram

    Although I do not attend meetings and have issues with many of the things about JW, WTBTS, etc. , I appreciate and support others who have different ideas. We must all reach our own place, our own decisions. What is right for one, may not be right for another. With that said, I will quote a brother who used to say, regarding the "truth", the "Organization", etc.:

    "We can afford to be wrong" -- I have heard religious belief compared to life insurance policies -- there are many to choose between, pick the best for you. Some may think this is a cop-out. I don't know. I have never personally seen, witnessed or experienced the things one is supposed to have that comes with a religious belief.

  • Quandry

    I was told that they hardly ever saw me there during that period of time; when even my nonbeliever wife knows it was the other way around. When I called brother XXXX (in cong. XXXX) that same weekend, he said that the misunderstanding might have occurred due to the fact that the report was given verbally over the telephone.

    Sad....just sad.....here you are groveling to these holier than thou @$$e$ and they prove how much they have thought about you!!!

    They can and will say anything they wish about you. They probably hear your name and either laugh or groan with each other...my husband was an elder for twenty years. I have seen them......and heard them.......

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Ewww. W.Once

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    tsar robles:

    I have seen many in your shoes, over the years. Punished without mercy of any kind, and it has been sickening to witness.

    For what it's worth, my 2c wouuld be don't give them any more power over you. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" says Jehovah. Yet these, for the most part, holier-than-thou, condescending, vindictive, power-hungry, manipulative so-called 'overseers' of the flock find it in their hearts to keep people waiting for forgiveness and 'reinstatement' for YEARS, at their whim! Who are they to judge? REINSTATEMENT??? What the heck is that? That's a word that isn't even in the Bible. I'd go to great lengths to point that out to them, if I was ever in your shoes. Further, Jehovah says I want mercy, and not sacrifice. They just don't get it.

    I find this whole process an abuse of human rights. One day, I hope this religion is taken to task for just that abuse. The blood of those this CULT has emotionally, psychologically, physically and mentally crushed must cry out to heaven just as loud as the prophets who were killed in earlier times.

    I pray that you find the strength to shake off the power they think they hold over you. In a really sick way, the more power they think they have over you, the more power they will wield, and not to your advantage. Anything you do say, will be used against you. The less you give them in writing the better.

    Just my 2c

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