This article once again reduces Jesus to a mere servant of Jehovah who chose to do God's Will.
- "Jesus has qualities that we can admire and imitate."
- Jesus was a perfect man! We can admire his qualities? We can imitate them?! He was THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE!
- "Jesus manifested many outstanding qualities".
- Again, humanising Jesus, reducing him to a series of 'qualities'.
- "Jesus used good judgment in choosing his life course. He decided to keep his life simple, focusing on just one thing: the doing of God's will. He wisely devoted his time and energy to furthering Kingdom interests."
- Again reducing Jesus' life to a series of qualities and choices; "used good judgement"; he was perfect!! "decided to keep his life simple"; he was sent to earth to die for sinners!! "wisely devoted his time"; what?! That was the whole purpose of his life on earth!!
- "But his main work was that of preaching the good news and teaching those who had listening ears."
- Again, what?! His main work was to do die for sinners.
- "The al aspect of Jesus' personality that we will discuss is most heartwarming--his love for fellow humans."
- Patronising. Reducing Jesus to a mere human again ("fellow humans").
- "By patiently listening as suffering ones open up their hearts to us. We could also ask ourselves, 'If I were in their situation, how would I feel?' If we cultivate sensitivity to the feelings of others, we will be better able to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls." (1 Thess. 5:14) Thus we will be following Jesus."
- Jesus told his disciples to pray and to heal sick ones. Jesus himself did more than "speak consolingly" he actually did things. He told his followers to be the 'salt of the earth', a cursory reading of Acts shows that the 1st C Christians were charitable, they prayed over sick people, they were able to heal etc. Following Jesus involves a bit more than 'speaking consolingly' and 'patiently listening'.
- "What a thrilling field of study we find in the words and deeds of Jesus Christ!"
- Very true, it is a thrilling field of study, yet this article reduces the life, ministry and death of Jesus to mere buzzwords designed to prick the theocratic consciences of JWs. Rather than actually going into the world, as Jesus did, to make a difference, this article, as usual, encourages JWs to internalise their Christianity, turning it upon themselves. Everyone else is 'worldy' or a 'false Christian'. 2 billion Christians - and their charitable works, their preaching, their out-reach programs, their youth groups, their fellowship, their faith - is reduced to a one-sentence dismissal by a group of men who 'shut up the Kingdom of heaven', deny the R&F the mediatorship of Jesus, deny the R&F Jesus promise of the Holy Spirit and invent two classes of Christians. Who really are the workers of lawlessness?
Yet, this article is nothing compared to the "Appreciating the Greater Moses" one that's coming up...