Have You Ever Been "Too Late"?

by compound complex 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    In the recent past I have recalled many kindnesses shown me as a younger man. I probably said "thank you" at the time of a person's single kind gesture or act [polite thank yous were expected of 50s children]; some older people have acted on my behalf, however, over a period of time in ways that shaped me in a favorable way. I couldn't have been aware at the time that their nurturing or mentoring me would have such far-reaching results.

    Several years ago it occurred to me how instrumental an older person's generosity toward me as a child put me where I am today. After much search I discovered her location, wrote her and awaited a reply. Shortly thereafter I received a letter from one of her children that she had died six months earlier. At least I was able to tell her children (who remembered me) my story of gratitude toward their mother.

    Has anything remotely similar happened to you?



  • coffee_black

    Yes... my High School Art teacher who convinced me to go to college. He cornered me one day and asked me point blank as to why I wasn't going to go. I gave him the jw line, which as I was telling it to him sounded really empty to me. He told me that if I didn't go, I wasn't just throwing my own career away, but his. He said that the reason he taught was in the hopes of mentoring someone who had the talent to make it as an artist. He told me that I was that student. I left his classroom and marched myself right down to my Student Counsellor's office and asked where I could get in...it was May of my Senior year.

    I kept in touch for a while... then many years past... I looked him up and phoned him about 20 years ago and thanked him. Right away he started giving me advice on how to hang paintings for an exhibit... It was like I was right back in his class... I haven's spoken to him since... I don't think he is still alive. He was a good friend of Andrew Wyeth..and I thought of him when I saw AW's obit...


  • Alpaca


    Funny you should bring this up. I've actually been thinking about it over the last several months.

    Specifically, the unconditional love of my non-Dub family and non-Dub family friends. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends always gave me birthday presents and Christmas presents.

    And, because I was a Dub I never reciprocated. No mother's day cards for my grandmother. No Christmas cards or birthday cards and good wishes for aunts and uncles and cousins. No father's day cards, birthday cards, or Christmas cards for my non-Dub Dad. Yet they never took offense and continued to treat me the same way.

    This is one of the biggest regrets of my life, because all of them are gone now (except cousins). I so wish I could turn back the clock and do it all over.

    The lesson in this is that, in spite of the contrary claims of the BORG, there is a lot of love in this world and it is true, unconditional love.

    Now I waste no time in expressing my appreciation to people because you just never do know if it will be "too late."

    Thanks for the post,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you very much, coffee_black and Alpaca:

    While I needn't go into detail as to close similarities between your accounts and my "further story," still, I am amazed at how your comments ring true for me. Likewise did my non-Witness family appear to harbor no hostility nor resentment regarding my stand for righteousness ...



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Have you?


  • compound complex
  • Alpaca

    I agree.

  • Quirky1

    When she told me to pull and ....oops!! It was too late...LOL

  • llbh

    This is something that chimes in with my way of thinking coco and i do agree. When my parents were alive i was the grateful recipient of much kindness that is was totally unconditional, i in ways i can try to do the same.

    I used to have dear old friend , who showed me the delights of French and Greek literature, he was a delightful but troubled man. He made an untrue allegation against me, i thought OK, and did not speak again to him. A few years later, his niece phoned me to inform me of his demise, he died in a home about a mile from me. I was so sad. RIP R

    He gave taught me many things, and i should have on reflection been more generous.

    Life is to short but to enjoy.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, friends, for your comments.

    That's a sad one, David. Sounds pretty close to home in a certain sense. In hindsight we realize we ought to see the good in others and excuse the "bad." Thanks much,


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