What is your mission objective ?

by KnowlegeSeeker_UK 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • KnowlegeSeeker_UK

    How many people here recognize the JW's as the best organization of christlike people the world has to offer. BUT that the organization, a self admitted manly organization, self admited uninspired and self admitted imperfect organization, has gon awry ?

    I am here with that prediciment. I grew up in the 80's as a JW. Grew up pretty much as a JW. But I have seen things, read things that I just dont agree with. I believe the society is becoming a well managed business like structure. I see hieracrchy and no rom for questioning or debate.

    I wonder how many agree with me ? Because, if there is enough if us with the same feeling, with scripture to back us, I truly believe we can effect change. I have no interest in authority, just spiritual nourishment and unhypocritical , unblemished association with a people.

    I feel we have been tarnished with such decsisions as child abuse cover ups, arms dealer stock holdings, UN association, I decided to stop researching at that point. i am not interested in any information bias against the society. I am not interested in any information bias from the society.

    I pioneered. I served at bethel. My family are all well founded members. I know I could shake the area with the information I have. Its time for change. I just wonder... how many people here have the same genuine despair and motivations?

  • leavingwt
    the best organization of christlike people the world has to offer
    I decided to stop researching at that point
    i am not interested in any information bias against the society

    I would humbly suggest you resume your research. IF you'd like to worship in spirit and TRUTH.



    There is nothing Christ-Like about the WBT$..They are corrupt...........You have good intentions..If you publicly go against the WBT$,you will be DF or DA.....No Jehovah`s Witness will listen to you after that........That being said..Good Luck!......

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • bob1999

    " just spiritual nourishment and unhypocritical , unblemished association with a people."

    So just do it! You don't need an organization, just faith and love.

    BTW None of us can control what other people do, but you can be unhypocirtical and unblemished in your associations with people. When you get some of that back from others, praise the Lord.

    Peace (as in Philipians 4:7)

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    There are groups of people like you who are working for reform in the WT. I came across them once while surfing the net. You might try googling Jehovah's Witnesses Reform or something along those lines and see if you can find them.

    Personally, I believe the WT is a cult like many others. I base this view on my experience, and on research I've done on cults and how they operate. I think JWs believe they are more sincere Christians than others, and that "false" religion is somehow inferior to the WT, because of propaganda the society has taught them, not because it is actually true.

    But I also believe that each person must make up their own mind about the WT and come to their own conclusions on how to proceed. Best wishes to you!

  • parakeet

    "if there is enough if us with the same feeling, with scripture to back us, I truly believe we can effect change."

    Nearly everyone on this forum is an exJW. Any changes we could potentially make would have to come from outside the WTS, not within. As Mrs. Fiorini points out, there are groups, like Silent Lambs, that are trying to effect change in WT doctrine.

    "I decided to stop researching at that point. i am not interested in any information bias against the society. I am not interested in any information bias from the society."

    Are you interested in information that is not biased? Or do you mean you won't read anything that is critical of the WTS doctrines? Remember the scripture that says we should examine to see if these things are true. Keep researching. Knowledge is power.

    "... how many people here have the same genuine despair and motivations?"

    Almost everyone here has gone through what you're enduring right now. The WTS is rigged to keep people like you from leaving "the Truth." They make sure, through their many nonBiblical rules, that leaving the JWs is an excruciating experience.

    If you plan to effect change from within, you're almost certainly doomed to fail. You'll be warned, then they'll warn the entire congregation that you're creating dissent, then they'll make you sweat through a judicial committee hearing, and then they'll toss you out the door.

  • carla

    Maybe you need to go back to researching a bit and you may find that the wt is one of the most unbiblical 'religions' out there. They hold no honor for God & Christ. You may want to research Greber and the NWT and see what you think of the NWT and all the places where they have changed, added, and taken things out of the Bible. You are aware there were no scholars who helped in the NWT? But they did have help from a spirit medium.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    KS, glad your starting to realize the untruth of " The Truth ", in answer to your question on how many people here contain within

    themselves that the JWS are still the best Christian like organization around is kind of a slanted bias by yourself don't you think ?

    My opinion of the JWS is that since it was started by corrupt disingenuous businessmen and lawyers it therefore grew itself from that very foundation.

    Basically what they have done is commercially exploited the belief in the bible and people to create a Kingdom of their own complete with

    all of the attached power and money, not exactly what you would call truthfully endearing themselves to humanity would you ?

    Perhaps its this unseen commercialization $$$ that adulterated the inner effort of what the organization was trying to accomplish.

    I wonder what God and Jesus are thinking when they see so many people JWS and others selling the Gospel and living off the prevails of those sales.?

    I guess thats what you call freedom in America !

  • KnowlegeSeeker_UK

    Thank you. I apprciate your frank comments. I am a scientist in terms of my career. I deal with facts, thats what I mean by bias.

    My concern is "where else is there to go ?"

    Dont worry that doesnt mean I wont leave or that its more important than the wrong they are doing. However... who else id preaching ? Who else says no to war ( i know about rand cam). Who else distributes free (ok for tax reaons) literature ? 99% of Jw's are good people.

    In babylon 1% were doing it right. In Jesus's day most were not doing it right. In pauls day the anointed were commiting hurrendous sins.

    Where does it leave us ?

    Id appreciate yr time and coment :)

    [ill be honest, iv been asked to consider all this by someone, im here playing devils advocate, i want to know what u thnk]

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi there Knowledge Seeker. I am a Gilead grad, who also researched similar things to you.

    I don't know (and it isn't my place) how to determine your particular criteria for Christlike people. In my own mind, I think that such people are of their own accord, and the helping hand of organized religion doesn't change a persons true character.

    I never left because of the people I knew. I love and miss them to this day. In fact, I get a feeling that you and I might be in a similar boat, that we have/had a lot of friends, and from our vantage point, all is well. But think of it this way.....

    You were at Bethel, you pioneered, etc. Your family is established. Thus, it WILL be different for you. It was for me too. Everyone I associated with seemed ok, because I never really associated with those struggling, having problems, etc. As an elder, I "helped" them, JW style. But they weren't my close friends, even if I cared for them too. My status allowed me to be friends with the higher ups, and I had no personal reason for complaint. Having said that, I was never a struggling JW ever.

    For many on this board, and others, they have experienced the cold, mineral like feeling of elders who were taxed for time, and/or otherwise incapable of helping. It is no small matter to describe elders as 'a hiding place in the wind, a crag in the rain', then to be consistently treated as if your mental issues, your "personality conflicts", are the result of your lack of spirituality and faith. I even experienced that at the end as I resigned. I could only shake my head and laugh.

    You have found many correct issues regarding WT involvement with the UN, the pedophile problem, etc. I can appreciate the resistance to these. For me, I knew first hand the UN was right. Every Gilead class, the class gets a specialized tour of the UN. Why? Because as a UN NGO, they have to provide "education" to some of their flock regarding UN activities. I got to go in 2005 with class 119. We were never told why this was necesarry. It's purpose was glossed over. But the tour guide would make little comments concerning JW's, as if she knew we were associated with the UN.

    As far as pedophiles, I served in a congregation with several prisons, and we had the "lucky" privilege of studying with incarcerated JW pedophiles, and reviewing their pleas for reinstatement. Having dealt with so many, and learning how truly cynical and sick they are, left me cold. And yet, JW policies allowed them to continue in almost every case. The problem is truly rampant.

    But maybe thats not compelling for you. Here is what did it for me. In class at Gilead, we hit 2 Kings 1, where the correct answers to the test was to link the prophets Elijah and Elisha to which modern day counterparts? Elijah = Rutherford, Elisha = Knorr.

    I wrote about this under "What Gilead Taught Me"

    I don't consider it my job to tell anyone what to believe, the nature of god, etc. We are all on our journeys. But at some point, if we lose our intellectual honesty for the sake of a group, religious or otherwise, we lose ourselves, and whatever value being Christlike could have for us gets lost too.

    As for your desire to shake things up, well, I can only say that elders these days are specifically trained to disfellowship in short order, anyone who would dare express dissent with the GB. Perhaps you need this experience so that you can see for yourself. Regardless, I would temper my expectations in what you would hope to accomplish.

    In any case, I wish you all the best!

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