I want my hour back

by Bubblie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    A good trick that I learned from a friend of mine is to start getting up 5 minutes earlier than your regular time beginning 2 weeks before the change. If you do that you barely even notice it.

  • Jim_TX

    I have just learned to deal with it. No complaining. It's gonna happen... unless you live in Arizona (or Hawaii?)

    But. I will tell a tale from eons gone-by. I used to work in radio. I was an announcer (if you can call it that), and had the midnight to 6am shift on the weekends.

    So - I'd go in to work at midnight Saturday - and Sunday - and get off at 6am. The Fall - turning back the clocks - was the worst - I actually worked 7 hours - not 6. In the Spring - I worked 5 hours - not 6.

    Just something that we don't normally think about.


    Jim TX


    I`m canceling Thursday..So everyone who needs an hour,can get it from Thursday!..

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I'm an adaptable person and have no problems with the time changes. I do enjoy the extra time in the afternoons in the summer. I don't think anyone is really affected by the change--they just like to bitch, imo.

  • BurnTheShips

    I hate the time changes. We should have a single one all year.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Point proven.

  • IP_SEC

    You could do what I do and refuse to participate as a form of civil disobedience. This is my second year not going along with the clock change. If Im late Im late. If Im early Im early. You'll just have to live with it.

  • LouBelle

    Ah - South Africa - I love this land - none of that here.

  • hubert

    It's kinda like a mini jet lag.


  • chickpea

    my television is my alarm clock
    and i slept thru 15 minutes of
    the news before jolting awake
    with a head that felt like it was
    stuffed with a pillow.... once again
    stumbling around in the dark
    AND cold... prodding teenaged
    schoolboys out of bed..... grrr

    i hate this artificial time crap

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