Stuff we wouldn't do offline that we do here

by joelbear 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    1. Argue with a six year old.

    Ever had a deep discussion with a six year old (or someone with a three year old's mentality)? Ever heard two six year old's arguing?

    Typically it turns to name calling and "I know you are but what am I" exchanges fairly rapidly.

    Would we walk up to a 6 year old or a mentally challenged adult and engage in one of these ridiculous, non-productive and demoralizing exchanges?

    If not, why would we choose to do so online?


  • ISP

    I agree.....but I think you gotta live and let live....


  • Andee

    Well, I would never argue with a 6 year old HERE.

    However, I have argued with MY then 6 year old daughter many times. And my son, who is 5, already argues with me!

    Actually, I find myself much more restrained here than in real life.

    The words on a page, or computer screen, seem to be more powerful. This is true whether one's intent is to be hostile or complimentary.
    I try to be mindful of this.

    I think that also when one is personally attacked or challenged, there is the awareness that others are "watching" so there is a need to save face. So, egos play apart in it. It doesn't just happen on this discussion board, it's anywhere individuals gather in this little world we call the internet.


  • hillary_step

    Stuff we wouldn't do offline that we do here.

    Act like such tedious 'know-it-all's', that most sane people would not want to spend more that 22-23 seconds in our company, unless of course they are accompanied by a large bottle of Scotch and a good book.

    lol - even the sentence above is evidence of this.... HS

  • dubla




  • SixofNine

    *Six gulps, shudders from the harshness of an overly large swig of Scotch, wipes mouth on sleeve boorishly, glances up from the Bible and says*, "what was that Hillary?"

  • Tina

    I'll drink to that hil et al,hugs to all,T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    I wouldn't normally insult a six year old or mentally challenged adult...
    but then Slave wouldn't get any replies... wanker.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • GinnyTosken


    I think each of us has to decide who on this board has the mentality of a six-year-old and whether the discussions are non-productive or demoralizing.

    On the "Usage of the Internet" thread, you say you have chosen not respond to Fred Hall, NYT, and Yadirf. Yet there were times when you did choose to respond, just as others choose to respond now. As ISP says, "Live and let live." When people grow tired of this, they will stop. Only each person who replies can decide whether the experience is non-productive or demoralizing for them.

    I have been thinking about the subject of harsh disagreements since I saw Ashitaka's and Andee's comments in the "Military Tribunals" thread. Both Andee and Ashitaka hoped the "miserable thread" would die, and Ashitaka had earlier said:

    Why not just drop it, so that dubs coming here don't see what they expect....division.....
    In the "An Internet Apostate" thread, Yadirf asked:

    Would you like for me to put together a list of posts from various apostates on this board that could have but failed to show sorrow after intentionally inflicting pain on another?
    This has been discussed before. Should we create a sort of alternative "spiritual paradise" so dubs won't be offended by this site? Should we all smile and act nice to each other and repress our anger and annoyance? Is the purpose of the board to help JWs out of their old mindset, to help ex-JWs heal, to socialize, to discuss, to debate, or a mixture of all of these?

    Are childish disagreements a sign that we don't have love among ourselves? I don't think so. Some of the most childish and volatile disagreements I've experienced have been between members of my own family. It is because we love each other so much and because we know each other so well that we react so strongly to each other.

    I love this place because of the mix of support, humor, discussions, catfights, debates, and disagreements. I don't expect that we'll always "dwell together in unity," and I like the mixture of characters. Things aren't always pretty, but this tells me people here are honest and are displaying the full spectrum of their humanity.

    And besides, I'm a Pee-Wee Herman fan, so "I know you are, but what am I?" suits me just fine.


  • zerubberballs

    Stuff that we wouldn't do offline that we do here

    Swear at people for fun.

    Swear at people at all ('specially if there's lady's present)

    Invite strange women to tie you up and whip your butt.

    Get right into another blokes or sheilas head and rearange the furnishings.

    Talk about religion.

    Prophesy the end of the world (well, some might)

    Speak with weird accents.

    There's heaps of shit.


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