Woo whooo!

by lurk3r 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Welcome aboard lurk3r!

    Looking forward to hearing more about your situation.


    The Oracle

  • Barbie Doll
  • lurk3r

    Thank you for the greetings.

    Yes...lets cut to the chase. I wish i was an effective typer , so please bear with all my run on sentences etc.

    Im a 38 year old fella outta Canada. I was a born in and did everything the way my parents told me to growing up, cause "thats what your supposed to do". Baptized at 17. I was never hardcore, no pioneering...but did get encouraged to "reach out" and become a MS...my hours were a little low so I guess I was supposed to bring em up. It never felt right, so I just played out my teen years like most JW's...barely. Got married (i still dont know how i could have!) at 22...it was the thing to do at the time...you fell in love and then got married so you could have sex. Read CoC wheni was 23 ...and just like the rest of my life past, I did my best to ignore my thoughts and kept on going through the motions...faded away and kept in contact with many Jw's even after my divorce. My ex left the "truth" too....turns out the only thing we had in common WAS the truth. I wish i could take the shit out of my head...but it lingers like a bad fart. Recently, I have had quite a few of my JW friends come down on me...its all conditional now that I speak my mind a little more. minds kinda clouded right now...but if you have some questions..id love to answer them the best i can.


    (im still a newb and Simon has me limited to 10 posts a day...and this is 8 i think)

  • AudeSapere

    I'm am just smiling soo big~!!!!

    Yippee!! We got newbies again!!!

    Welcome to JWN. It is so nice to have you (finally) join us.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Knowledge/Wisdom; Dare to Think for Yourself)

  • shamus100

    Hi Lurk3r.

    From another Canuck.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Hello and Welcome Lurk3r. I'm looking forward to more of your posts.

  • quietlyleaving

    (omg a newbie )

    welcome lurk3r


  • free2think

    yay Welcome Lurk3r

  • LouBelle

    whoop whoop! I'll add my welcomes to everyone else. Great to have a newbie on board and here's to a long and happy relationship on this here board.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Wooo Hooo indeed! How fantastic is it to have newbies again?

    Re "taking the shit out of your head", I take it you have read Steve Hassan's books? Couselling can be very useful too.



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