An article about a sister in our local local KH was in a womens magazine today. The local KH was the topic of conversation at Angharad & Dylan's PlayGroup with the verdict that the JWs are "disgusting how they treat people". Apparently, they were also quite vocal about how the articles about the WTC were trying to cash in on the suffering and they were not impressed (a wise & discerning group those mums!).
Anyway, here is the article - I know the people involved and Charlotte is a lovely girl. I don't think the article does her justice really but I hope things work out for her. I was thinking of writing them a note to let her know about this place in case she needs a bit of support? One little piece of info that isn't in the article is that her mum, who is shunning her, was Df'd herself twice for the same thing herself! (if my memory serves me correct).