Yes, in the winter drapes work great. I really dread summer though, I can picture myself on the patio with a glass of wine or two and there they will be. I think I'm gonna do what Gary wishes he would have done.
Ever get the surprise Saturday morning sheparding call?
by undercover 13 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
No one ever comes by my apt. even when I'm smoking and having a cold one on the step. I began taking walks with my stinky stick and no JWs to be seen. I found out that I could get away with anything and they wouldn't even notice. They didn't care while I was in and don't care now. I'm free.
If they ever do show their ugly faces, they are going to have one miserable time trying to get me. I will just go back in if I see them (from the top floor--I can look down at an angle that is difficult to see me from) and not answer the door. Let them waste their time waiting--it is time they can't be out in field circus.
If they try calling me, I would like to just let the phone ring and the answering machine take the call. That way, they will waste minutes and time. And of course, letters (and wastes of paper) will end up in the shredder, so they can waste their postage.
However, on this instance, they showed up about 9:45 on a Saturday morning, unannounced. I was barely awake, having been out late the night before and nursing a bit of a headache. (the last two sheparding calls I've gotten have come after late nights...go figure)
Apparent evidence that they have a surveillance network in place.