Would you or do you give your kids religious training? Is religious education something you would not now consider?
How Do You or How Would You Religiously Educate Your Children Now?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
good question!! In all honesty I would never force them to attend any church or form of bible study. We all know that as witnesses it was a mute issue,"you will go and you will like it". I still believe in God but no longer have faith in religion. I believe you can be religious but not attend a formal church. I would try to be a good role model for them in being kind to most all and teaching them morality. I think I would leave it up to them as they got older if they wanted to attend church. I would bring them but not formally join.
So with young children, would you give them something like a Bible stories book? Would you teach them any Biblical accounts?
I might. I guess it would depend if they brought it up. If they had friends that had bible story books and now they wanted one I buy one and would read it to them.
No religious training...
Bible stories would be okay to share with them...but it would be presented the same as Mother Goose or other make believe. If you don't believe it or take it for real, odds are they won't either.
You can teach morals and ethics without fairy tales...
But...I'd have to teach them to be tolerant of other people's faith. It's only fair if you want others to respect your right to not believe or believe however you want, to respect their right to believe as they want.
If, as they got older, they expressed an interest in a religion, I would encourage them to research it, making sure that they look at both sides, pro and con.
so no bible studies, huh?
nope, I could not bring myself to do it.
More people are not "religious" than ever before. Will people be less moral without any religious instruction?
Tell them to study evolution.
I do not think so. Some of the most "religious " people I have known have also been the least moral.