Building Kindom Halls & Picking Up Chicks..

by Valis 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wickid

    Oh, absolutely! As a teenager, I didn't miss many "quick build" kingdom halls because they were chick magnets. I always made sure I was wearing my elaborately overloaded toolbelt (with brand new, unused tools) whether I was actually working or not. That was the best way to send the "I'm a stud" vibe. I must say it worked quite well much of the time. It was the only time I was allowed extended contact with members of the opposite sex, and it was great. Ah, the bad old days...


  • GinnyTosken


    I was wearing my elaborately overloaded toolbelt (with brand new, unused tools)
    Heheheh. Funny--I always just carried a stud finder.


  • BritBoy


    Here Here!! I too was checking out the hunky brothers... I just remember being gutted when they asked the brothers to put their shirts back on in case their bare chests would lead to improper thoughts... well I guess the dubs can't be wrong about everything eh? LOL

  • Wickid

    LOL!! I remember being bummed when they invoked the hard hat rule; that really messed with my "good hair" groove. :)

  • Tammie

    Oh how I remember the "hard hat" hair. With me though I usually kept my hair tied back in french brades or something simular.
    I remember this one hall build, actually it was a remodeling project. I thought those was harder, and more work. It was towards the latter part of the project, and we did not have to wear any head procective gear. This brother I was working with asked me to come up and work with him on the scaffeling. So I started to head up this wobbley thing. The higher up I got, the more it shook. So I told him, no way. I'll do anything else. Ok, so into the attic I went. I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but it had to do with running conduet and wires. It seem like I was up there forever. It was very hot and very sticky. Well this day I did not tie up my hair, after I got done my hair looked like "LION'S MANE". Thats no joke either.

    The truth can never be hurt by a lie,
    but a lie can be exposed by the truth.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Nope. I was never allowed to troll.

    I had to stick with the chicks from my local congregations.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
    - Oscar Wilde

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