> The real extreme evangelicals might kill a Dr that works at Planned Parenthood though.
This is only because they haven't tipped over that edge yet. Give them the proper motivation and I guarantee you they will do it.
by SixofNine 67 Replies latest jw friends
> The real extreme evangelicals might kill a Dr that works at Planned Parenthood though.
This is only because they haven't tipped over that edge yet. Give them the proper motivation and I guarantee you they will do it.
I agree, Elsewhere.
They are among the most dangerous people in the U.S. Get god and emotion going, and look out!
And collapse leads to what?
A merger of the new TRINITY:
The new face of Religion. One Unity.
I can't wait to see all religion (except atheism and Devil worship) crash. Religion has caused wars, has worked against science, and has created the environment for many bad laws and stupid regulations. Religion has taught people that they need leaders to tell them what to do--the ultimate is to have everything you do be what you are told to.
I wonder if any monasteries exist in atheism or Devil worship.
The Coming Evangelical Collapse
Thanks for this. My first stop on my way out of JWism was so called "Evangelical Christianity." It was too narrow and restrictive a faith for me. It also felt very cultish and intolerant. I mean no disrespect to the evangelical X-JWs here, I respect them, but that is how it seems to me. I don't think the movement can stay the way it is now for long, but then, American-style Christianity (i.e. Evangelicalism) has shown tremendous ability to reinvent itself and make a huge impact on the culture when it does so.
Given the off-balanced nature of many in the religion, it's only a matter of time before a wacko or wacko's start a splinter group. They've already shot doctors that perform abortions - and they're not desperate yet. Think about what desperation brings? The same behavior as terrorists in the middle east.
The real extreme evangelicals might kill a Dr that works at Planned Parenthood though.
Please give one example of that happening
Please give one example of that happening
I can think of one example of this, DD. But I also recall that this person was widely repudiated by Evangelicals. So it is a red herring regardless. A single deranged shooter does not a religion make. In Islam we see a far wider acceptance of the sword as a tool to spread the faith. These are false comparisons being made on this thread.
Fact: Muslims learn to hate from an early age. So do extremist Evangicals.
Not all extremist Evangicals learn to hate from an early age. The same is true of Muslims.
Global labelling goes both ways.