Apostates: The Cursed Fig Tree?

by cameo-d 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Do you think that Apostates, atheists, church drop-outs, etc. will be rationalized as being the non-productive fig tree?

    Do you think they are gearing up to chop it down......????

    Here are excerpts from some teachings are being presented:

    A "curse" is not used as profanity.

    In Biblical terms it was a pronouncement of JUDGEMENT upon a person or object.

    When Jesus cursed the fig tree, it withered and died completely.

    To me, it seems like TWISTED teachings in order to further the New System agenda:

    (I did not make this up; it is excerpts taken from 'christian' material which seems to have subtle and detrimental connatations to non-believers)

    In the parable of Jesus and the fig tree, take note:

    The fig tree had no owner; it was growing by the wayside.

    It had sprung up voluntarily (even as weeds do).

    A deity has the soverign right to use destruction in order to accomplish higher goals.

    (Man, limited in his knowledge may not understand this purpose.)

    No man has the right to question the Deity.

    "The ox knows his owner; the donkey knows his master's club" (isaiah)

    A wicked nation refusing to be governed by the Souverign of the Universe must be rebuked!

    The fig tree symbolizing (a nation or political entity) is worthless in the sacred scheme of things. It is worthy of destruction.


    Do you believe there is a plan to silence the apostates......completely?

    Isaiah 1

    2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth!
    For the LORD has spoken:

    “ I have nourished and brought up children,
    And they have rebelled against Me;
    3 The ox knows its owner
    And the donkey its master’s crib;
    But Israel does not know,
    My people do not consider.”
    4 Alas, sinful nation,
    A people laden with iniquity,
    A brood of evildoers,
    Children who are corrupters!
    They have forsaken the LORD,
    They have provoked to anger
    The Holy One of Israel,
    They have turned away backward.

    19 If you are willing and obedient,
    You shall eat the good of the land;
    20 But if you refuse and rebel,
    You shall be devoured by the sword”;
    For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

    24 Therefore the Lord says,
    The LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel,

    “ Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries,
    And take vengeance on My enemies.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Nah, although everyone loves a conspiracy!

    They believe their Jehovah will kill us all one day.

    Such a nice belief system..........

  • cameo-d

    Nah, although everyone loves a conspiracy!

    They believe their Jehovah will kill us all one day.

    Such a nice belief system..........

    Yes, I know the Witnesses have always said that....but now, this is coming from "christian churches"...not the JWs!

    It will not be Jehovah per se....

    it will be those who will come as an army In His Name.....

    Just as you have those who say they speak directly for Jehovah....

    there will be those who undertake to accomplish Jehovah's STRANGE work.

    this is excerpted from another recent "christian" sermon:

    God's Strange Work

    Sometimes God does a strange work with his own people---a work of destruction, not salvation.

    He does this when his people act strangely toward him, acting not as his children, but as his enemies.

    This is especially true of people who have been born and brought up in the church.


    The use of the word "STRANGE" means that this is not a work that God delights in doing.

    Ezekiel 18:32 tells us "For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone declares the Soverign Lord. Repent and live!

    But when his own people mock him, God must punish them.

    In the book of Lamentations, Jeremiah speaks about this judgement of God on his own people.

    It is a work so strange that it makes ones blood curdle.

  • cameo-d

    They believe their Jehovah will kill us all one day.

    Atrocities are designed by evil men and are "authorized" by the Deities.

    What is about to take place has been "scripted and planned". It has been sold to people as prophecy from god.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Let us get something straight right from the start.

    The Bible does not say that it was a non-productive fig tree.

    The Bible makes it quite clear that it did not have any fruit because it was not the season for fruit.

    It was vandalised for no good reason.

    The perpetrator was just showing off to his mates.

    He was thirtysomething years old and his behaviour was inexcuseable.

    If he was my son, he would have gotten his butt kicked when he got home, especially if his action was witnessed and published in the local rag.

    His actions were wrong on so many levels that it is rediculous to think that this vandalism was condoned by Almighty God.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Black sheep - you need to learn a bit more about fig trees LOL!

    It wasn't the season for figs, but the tree should have been showing the signs of fruit well before the main crop was due to appear. As far as I'm aware, the fruit begins to grow at the end of the previous season. These small growths are edible and sometimes can be used as a second harvest - these are probably what Jesus was looking for, not unreasonable therefore. Then growth halts during the colder weather - and starts again in earnest when the better weather arrives. I might have it slightly mixed up - maybe there's a fig expert out there who can help?!

    Within the gospel context, the fig tree was a symbol used of Israel and the cursing of the fig tree was symbolic of Israel's fruitlessness at that time - their Messiah had arrived among them and they weren't ready for him - there were no signs of productive growth when, with all the prophecies and guidance they'd had from God, there should have been. Possibly the complete withering of the tree was also prophetic of the coming destruction by the Romans?

    Back to cameo-d, I don't think there's anything underhanded going on! Mainstream churches are usually just warning that if anyone (even Christians!) isn't ready for Christ's return, they face judgement and possible 'destruction' (whatever that means in various doctrinal ideas!). I sincerely doubt that it means the Christians are going to wipe out all non-Christians.

    Plus, mainstream Christians don't tend to look forward to the destruction of other people quite like JWs seem to!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Matthew 21:18 While returning to the city early in the morning, he got hungry. 19 And he caught sight of a fig tree by the road and went to it, but he found nothing on it except leaves only, and he said to it: “Let no fruit come from you anymore forever.” And the fig tree withered instantly. 20 But when the disciples saw this, they wondered, saying: “How is it that the fig tree withered instantly?” 21 In answer Jesus said to them: “Truly I say to YOU, If only YOU have faith and do not doubt, not only will YOU do what I did to the fig tree, but also if YOU say to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. 22 And all the things YOU ask in prayer, having faith, YOU will receive.”

    Mark10:12 The next day, when they had come out from Beth´a·ny, he became hungry. 13 And from a distance he caught sight of a fig tree that had leaves, and he went to see whether he would perhaps find something on it. But, on coming to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season of figs. 14 So, in response, he said to it: “Let no one eat fruit from you anymore forever.” And his disciples were listening.

    15 Now they came to Jerusalem. There he entered into the temple and started to throw out those selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves; 16 and he would not let anyone carry a utensil through the temple, 17 but he kept teaching and saying: “Is it not written, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But YOU have made it a cave of robbers.” 18 And the chief priests and the scribes heard it, and they began to seek how to destroy him; for they were in fear of him, for all the crowd was continually being astounded at his teaching.

    19 And when it became late in the day, they would go out of the city. 20 But when they were passing by early in the morning, they saw the fig tree already withered up from the roots. 21 So Peter, remembering it, said to him: “Rabbi, see! the fig tree that you cursed has withered up.” 22 And in reply Jesus said to them: “Have faith in God. 23 Truly I say to YOU that whoever tells this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but has faith that what he says is going to occur, he will have it so. 24 This is why I tell YOU, All the things YOU pray and ask for have faith that YOU have practically received, and YOU will have them. 25 And when YOU stand praying, forgive whatever YOU have against anyone; in order that YOUR Father who is in the heavens may also forgive YOU YOUR trespasses.” 26 ——

    Thirty years old and he hasn't learned when to expect to find something edible on a fig tree?

    In John 1:3 he is supposed to have invented fig trees.

    ..."for it was not the season of fig." does not imply any fault on the part of the tree. Nothing about the story implies any fault on the part of the tree.

    He was hungry and had made a fool of himself by looking for figs when everyone with him knew that he shouldn't find any.

    Now, he had a chance to really impress them. He could have waved his magic wand and WHOOOOOFFF, fruit appears. But, oh, no, not this nimnoo. He just vandalises it.

    Now his followers have to play mind games with themselves and each other to justify this foolishness.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Thirty years old and he hasn't learned when to expect to find something edible on a fig tree?
    In John 1:3 he is supposed to have invented fig trees.
    ..."for it was not the season of fig." does not imply any fault on the part of the tree. Nothing about the story implies any fault on the part of the tree.
    He was hungry and had made a fool of himself by looking for figs when everyone with him knew that he shouldn't find any.
    Now, he had a chance to really impress them. He could have waved his magic wand and WHOOOOOFFF, fruit appears. But, oh, no, not this nimnoo. He just vandalises it.
    Now his followers have to play mind games with themselves and each other to justify this foolishness.

    you need to learn a bit more about fig trees!!!!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have been unable to find anything that implies that there is something edible on a fig tree out of season.

    Green figs would not be palatable raw.

    The sap of a fig tree is toxic.

    Please provide links to information that supports your claim.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Nosferatu

    It was vandalised for no good reason.

    The perpetrator was just showing off to his mates.

    He was thirtysomething years old and his behaviour was inexcuseable.

    Forgive Jesus. He was probably drunk.

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