Welcome! You've found the courage to visit this forum, or maybe you happened across us, or maybe you're just here to complain about us. Let me save you some time-think of this as your automated telephone response....you know, press 1 to reach customer service....
If you're a JW or ex-JW who is afraid of apostates but just wants some info.....
* Stick around, lurking is fine if you need to
* We are not demon-possessed (well at least I'm not.....minimus may be)
* Apostasy is not contagious (even though WTS called it rabies at one time)
* Make your own decisions about what to believe
* The WTS recommends verifying its teachings
* We do not have an "agenda"--we are just on an Internet forum like you are--nothing more, nothing less
* Check out the "best of" folder.....more than you could dream of is in there....then go do your own research and verify it for yourself
If you're an ex-JW who wants info on the UN scandal, blood, child molestation, doctrinal flip flops, Armageddon predictions, Miracle Wheat, anything of that ilk......
* Search old threads on this forum-you will be AMAZED
If you're thinking of starting a thread about JWs and Freemasons....
* Don't
* Please don't
If you want a great laugh.....
* Ex-JWs are known for their great sense of humor
* Check out threads started by a poster badboy-they are the best humor you've ever heard
* Also highly suggested is posts by Mary when she is talking about WTS teachings
* Check out the hilarious Apostate Dictionary
If you're angry/think you can "save" people here by ranting, preaching, or scolding......
* Yeah, good luck with that
* Ask yourself what your motive in doing so in a forum full of people harmed by the JW religion--what inside of you leads you to do this
If you're an American who wants to sue the WTS....
* It's almost impossible
* Search old threads on this forum for info
If you're thinking of suicide....
* You're not alone
* You need to seek professional help right now-call a crisis hotline, see your family doctor, or visit your Employee Assistance Program ASAP
* An Internet forum is a poor place to meet your needs