Did you have to miss sex ed class?

by rebel8 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    I had to sit out sex ed classes and also evolution classes (yep, pretty much all science classes).

    Oh, and I wasn't allowed to participate in music class several times.....besides the usual holiday music, once we had to do a play [Oklahoma I think] and my character was supposed to say I had a flat chest. Funny, because the Youth book is much racier than that.

    Oh, and gym class when we did yoga stretching. Satan sure is tricky.

    Did you have to sit out certain classes?

  • hubert

    We didn't have "sex ed" classes when I was a kid.

    It was all "on the job training".


  • Leolaia

    Nobody told me I couldn't do "sex ed"; it was simply "Health" class. I had that in 8th grade. The only thing I remember about it was how funny the words "meatus" and "Cowper's glad" sounded. lol Oh yeah, and then we had all those antiquated anti-drug boring-as-hell films on old fashioned projectors to watch. I did sit out of all the Xmas assemblies in elementary school; all us JWs were kept in the principal's office with not much to do. I also skipped out on some of the high school "school spirit" assemblies for the same reason, which rocked as far as I was concerned as I utterly hated them and much enjoyed the opportunity to spend an hour in the library instead.

  • Nosferatu

    I also sat out. Because of that, I had to learn the hard way how to put a condom on a banana. Nobody told me that you aren't supposed to unwrap the condom before putting it on the banana.

  • elder-schmelder

    I had to miss the "Pep ralleys"

    Now I miss the Witness pep ralleys - "Assemblys"


  • rebel8

    *tries to think of G-rated response to banana story*




    *nope, I got nuthin*

    much enjoyed the opportunity to spend an hour in the library instead

    I can totally believe that!

    We had sex ed class once a year in health class.

  • undercover

    I didn't miss the sex-ed classes...but I remember all the parents had to sign a form allowing their kids to attend this class. But there were some kids in the hall whose parents wouldn't sign and they didn't go to class. Of course, most of those kids got hands-on training at an early age, much to the chagrin of their parents and elders...

    I remember pep rallies being off-limits for us as well...except I went anyway. I liked going...and going to the football and basketball games as well.

    All the JW kids met in an empty office during the rallies and any other assembly that was about school politics or religious in nature. The one and only time that I stayed in the office with the other JW kids, the assistant principle locked us in the room and went off to the program. I wondered then, what would happen if there was a fire or emergency. After that I always went to the assemblies and programs, even if it was something I wasn't supposed to go to.

    The one time I did subject myself to being isolated with the other kids, the assistant principle didn't believe I was a JW. He had been in on too many of my disciplinary actions in the past. He thought I was just trying to get out of going to the program on voting for a class president. The other kids had to vouch for me, that I was in fact a JW. Part of me felt bad, for bringing reproach on "jehovah" but part of me was glad that my double life was working and most people at school didn't know I was a JW.

  • blondie

    Nope, sex-ed classes ended the year before I would have had to take them. Actually, there was more sex-ed in my biology class.

  • Quirky1

    I worked better with hands on training...

  • ex-nj-jw

    I didn't miss out on much - I can still sign my mothers name And when anyone would say "aren't you JW"? I always respond with my parents are but I'm not.


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