Looks like we have some changes that will probably come about in the next few years.
Has anyone heard hints dropped about Melchizedek in the WT materials lately?
I would imagine they will begin with subtle references in preparation. You know they use tip-toe methods and not any great big announcements.
They may call it New Light....I call it New Lies.
Here's a bit of the scoop; although I am certain WT will have a different way of wording this, it will all amount to the same train of thought.
It is important to understand here that there is a Being who is Melchizedek, and there is the Melchizedek
priesthood. When a person achieves spiritual illumination within this order they are called a "Melchizedek." "The
Keys of Enoch" describes the Being in the spiritual worlds who heads the Melchizedek priesthood as the "Eternal
Lord of Light," Sovereign of Light in charge of organizing the levels of the heavenly worlds of YHWH (God) for
transit into new creation, co-equal with Metatron and Michael in the resource, regenesis, and re-education of
worlds going through the purification of the living light. He is in charge of the heavenly order / Brotherhood of
Melchizedek and the spiritual and planetary priesthood of Melchizedek.
"Jehovah, (revealed God of our universe), will prepare the world for deliverance through Melchizedek and the
Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek is a manifestation of a Son of God in the history of the planet. Melchizedek
was commissioned (according to the covenant of Enoch) to prepare the true priesthood of sonship upon a planet
for eschatological participation with the Sons of Light."
The clearest definition of the Order of Melchizedek is that it is in charge of the consciousness reprogramming
that is necessary to link physical creation with the externalization of the Divine Hierarchy. It is a royal
priesthood of priests receiving the voice of God, for the sanctification of the people of the light. The re-
administration and teaching affects the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states of existence and
consciousness. This priesthood is visible within every generation as a scattered Brotherhood of Light. It
permeates the tree of the human race.
The order of Melchizedek has the anointing power to reawaken and resurrect the righteous people of the world
into the light of the higher worlds. They are the sons of truth behind historical wisdom. They hold the keys to
the true history of the planet. They gather the light of man, which they have cultivated through the teachings of
the word of God. According to Enoch in "The Keys of Enoch," the sacred library of their priesthood document was
moved from the temple in Jerusalem into the desert areas of Qumran, (see the chapter "The Untold story of
Jesus the Christ," and the chapter on the "Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls") to preserve their records until the
end of time. It is then that the Sons of Light, as the Order of Melchizedek will return to Earth to unite the
scattered Brotherhood of Melchizedek and establish the Kingdom of God.