Here Comes the "Sons Of Light"

by cameo-d 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Looks like we have some changes that will probably come about in the next few years.

    Has anyone heard hints dropped about Melchizedek in the WT materials lately?

    I would imagine they will begin with subtle references in preparation. You know they use tip-toe methods and not any great big announcements.

    They may call it New Light....I call it New Lies.

    Here's a bit of the scoop; although I am certain WT will have a different way of wording this, it will all amount to the same train of thought.


    It is important to understand here that there is a Being who is Melchizedek, and there is the Melchizedek

    priesthood. When a person achieves spiritual illumination within this order they are called a "Melchizedek." "The

    Keys of Enoch" describes the Being in the spiritual worlds who heads the Melchizedek priesthood as the "Eternal

    Lord of Light," Sovereign of Light in charge of organizing the levels of the heavenly worlds of YHWH (God) for

    transit into new creation, co-equal with Metatron and Michael in the resource, regenesis, and re-education of

    worlds going through the purification of the living light. He is in charge of the heavenly order / Brotherhood of

    Melchizedek and the spiritual and planetary priesthood of Melchizedek.

    "Jehovah, (revealed God of our universe), will prepare the world for deliverance through Melchizedek and the

    Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek is a manifestation of a Son of God in the history of the planet. Melchizedek

    was commissioned (according to the covenant of Enoch) to prepare the true priesthood of sonship upon a planet

    for eschatological participation with the Sons of Light."

    The clearest definition of the Order of Melchizedek is that it is in charge of the consciousness reprogramming

    that is necessary to link physical creation with the externalization of the Divine Hierarchy. It is a royal

    priesthood of priests receiving the voice of God, for the sanctification of the people of the light. The re-

    administration and teaching affects the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states of existence and

    consciousness. This priesthood is visible within every generation as a scattered Brotherhood of Light. It

    permeates the tree of the human race.

    The order of Melchizedek has the anointing power to reawaken and resurrect the righteous people of the world

    into the light of the higher worlds. They are the sons of truth behind historical wisdom. They hold the keys to

    the true history of the planet. They gather the light of man, which they have cultivated through the teachings of

    the word of God. According to Enoch in "The Keys of Enoch," the sacred library of their priesthood document was

    moved from the temple in Jerusalem into the desert areas of Qumran, (see the chapter "The Untold story of

    Jesus the Christ," and the chapter on the "Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls") to preserve their records until the

    end of time. It is then that the Sons of Light, as the Order of Melchizedek will return to Earth to unite the

    scattered Brotherhood of Melchizedek and establish the Kingdom of God.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Cameo are you on drugs ?

  • lurk3r

    Cameo d...this kind of talk is fascinating to me. I also checked the link you provided with that. Very deep (to me) indeed.

    Drugs or no drugs, its pretty interesting thinking. What do you personally think about this "kind" of school? Think the things they teach are factual?

    I have no where near the experience you have with your many insights and wonderings,but off the top of my head,if the society WERE to adopt a teaching anywhere this; how would they get around "the light"? As a coming out JW, I would hazard a guess that anything remotely close to this teaching might go back to ...."Satan being the Angel of Light?" or "Bringer of the light"?

    If you don't mind, what do you think of today's modern music making many mentions of "the light"?


  • cameo-d

    Drugs or no drugs,


    its pretty interesting thinking. What do you personally think about this "kind" of school? Think the things they teach are factual?

    NO, these teachings are NOT factual. I say that from my heart, my gut, and my mind. This is all planned and scripted.

    Melchizedek was both a King and a Priest.

    Therefore, this "Order of Melchizedek" is the perfect disguise to present those who are to serve as (Wardens and Judges) "Kings and Priests".

    At some point, I am sure they will announce the 144 K who will come from this melchizedek "christ class".

    Actually, many of them, and their pawns, are already very visible. They are busy pointing out to the masses the very lies that have been promoted in religion, commerce, and government, using an evil psychology that will make them appear credible to most people. All this is designed to bring people into the transition of their agenda, the New (World Order) System.

    Earlyne described the Order of Melchizedek in her book, "Initiation in the Great Pyramid" in the following

    manner. This description was by her father who was a seventh degree initiate in the Order of Melchizedek,

    speaking to her about this order. "The Order of Melchizedek existed even before time began on this miniature

    planet called Earth. This is the Order of the Divine Hierarchy existing between all the planets of the solar

    system and even beyond. This mystery school is the fountainhead of the great work. Its initiates are scattered

    not only on Earth but throughout the universe.

  • parakeet

    cameo: " It is important to understand here that there is a Being who is Melchizedek, and there is the Melchizedek priesthood. "

    cameo: " Earlyne described the Order of Melchizedek in her book, "Initiation in the Great Pyramid" in the following manner.....'The Order of Melchizedek existed even before time began on this miniature planet called Earth. This is the Order of the Divine Hierarchy existing between all the planets of the solar system and even beyond. This mystery school is the fountainhead of the great work. Its initiates are scattered not only on Earth but throughout the universe. "

    Cameo, I'm worried about the quality of your reading material. Just for you I've done a little research and have found some books that I think will be very helpful to you:

    Ronald K. Siegel's "Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia." Pay special attention to Chapters 7 and 8: 'Richie in Wackyland' and 'The Paranoid Express.'

    Daniel Freeman's "Paranoia - The 21st Century Fear." Again, pay close attention to Chapters 2 and 3: 'A Nest of Traitors' and 'Overcoming Paranoid and Suspicious Thoughts.'

    You're welcome.

  • WTWizard

    This sounds like more work by the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to confuse the witlesses. Then the witlesses will view the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger as having special knowledge. Actually, all they have special knowledge of is how to confuse the average witless.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Yeah that's right WTWizard, blame the Watchtower Society for this one. I bet the Watchtower created Marilyn Manson too.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    At some point, I am sure they will announce the 144 K who will come from this melchizedek "christ class".

    Interesting! I think they already did in old books as anti typical and typical, so it does not surprise me that they are making hints in the WT.

  • cameo-d

    <edit feature sucks>

  • cameo-d

    Look what I just found!!!!

    (First of all, I must tell you that a lot of this Order of Melchizedek (CRAP) and the new spokespersons, Sons of Light, who are to be your kings and priests...(which means they will be the new lawgivers and judges who claim to speak for Jesus)........comes from the Urantia Book.

    The Urantia Book was channelled by contemporaries of Russell and Rutherford. Here is what wiki says about it:

    The exact circumstances of the origin of The Urantia Book are unknown. The book and its publishers do not

    name a human author, instead it is written as if directly presented by numerous celestial beings appointed to

    the task of providing an "epochal" spiritual revelation to humankind. For each paper, either a name, or an order

    of celestial being, or a group of beings is credited as its author.

    In 1924, a group of Sadler's friends, former patients, and colleagues began meeting for Sunday intellectual

    discussions, but became interested in the strange communications when Sadler mentioned the case and read

    samples at their request. Shortly afterwards, a communication reportedly was received that this group would be

    allowed to devise questions and that answers would be given by celestial beings through the "contact


    Sadler presented this development to the group, and they generated hundreds of questions without full

    seriousness, but their claim is that it resulted in the appearance of answers in the form of fully written papers.

    They became more impressed with the quality of the answers and continued to ask questions, until all papers

    now collected together as The Urantia Book were obtained. The group was known as the Forum.

    A smaller group of five individuals called the Contact Commission, including the Sadlers, was responsible for

    gathering the questions from the Forum, acting as the custodians of the handwritten manuscripts that were

    presented as answers, and arranging for proofreading and typing of the material. [7]

    Only the members of the Contact Commission witnessed the activities of the sleeping subject, and only they

    knew his identity. [2] The individual is claimed to have been kept anonymous in order to prevent undesirable

    future veneration or reverence for him. Martin Gardner states that a more plausible explanation concerning the

    origin of the book compared to celestial beings is that the Contact Commission, particularly William Sadler, was

    responsible. Gardner's conclusion is that a man named Wilfred Kellogg was the sleeping subject and authored

    the work from his subconscious mind, with William Sadler subsequently editing and authoring parts. [

    The "sleeping subject" refers to the channeller. And yes, the 'Kellogg' mentioned is from the wealthy and powerful grain magnate family. Also there is a Urantia Foundation.

    Here is an excerpt I found on another discussion board:

    So, my advice when speaking to the Witnesses is don't give too much. Stick with common ground. Most

    Witnesses would be shocked that UB believers believe that Jesus is Michael is a Creator Son. Most other

    Christian religions teach that Micheal is an archangel and that Jesus is the head of Micheal. What UBers

    believe is essentially what the Witnesses believe concerning Micheal/Jesus. When this common ground is

    established, the conversation can be steered to other pertinent points.

    You see how clever they are to find a "common point" and once you see the similarity, you are more attentive to listen to the rest of the bullshit.

    It appears to me that this is "damage control" to steer the witnesses into a new reveal to the witnesses what has been 'misunderstood' through WT teachings. light!

    I believe this is all more deception being presented and the reason I mention it here is to warn you that I see it coming and seeping in to WT teachings so you all can be prepared to expect it and be knowledgeable about it and refute it.

    here is more of what this same poster says:

    One line of reasoning may be this point: Why would Christ only choose about six million people to live forever in

    paradise while destroying the remaining billions if Christ truly wants his children to live. The Witnesses believe

    that all those persons rejecting WT theology will be destroyed at Armageddon and never have a resurrection.

    The second death. You could say: If Christ destroyed billions of men, women and children just because they

    didn't espouse a particular theology, wouldn't that mean that Christ's bestowal in the flesh had been an

    abyssmal failure? If Christ/Michael perfectly reflected the love of God, how could such a person show this love

    and then decide to slaughter six billion people that, for the most part, may be ignorant of the the teachings of

    Christ? Would such a wanton slaughter be reflective of a God of love? Would any man or woman be drawn to a

    God that would have us worship him out of fear so as to avoid the horrific fate of destruction at Armageddon?

    Again, it is important not to over do it. And it is important that you do not disrespect WT leadership because

    they will immediately shut down. In your enthusiasm to share what you know, just share a little bit that will be

    the seed that helps them to see that God loves all mankind, not just a minority of people that believes in a

    particular doctrine.

    The WT started out with good intentions, but they eventually became an overbearing, controlling taskmaster

    that expects its adherents to toe the line 100 percent lest they face censure and the loss of relationships with

    family and friends. They have become like the very Pharisees that they so often condemn in their publications.

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