Tattoos? Regrets?

by JimmyPage 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    I have three tats and no regrets.

    I have a flower in black ink on my back, the infity sign on my left wrist and to outlines of stars on my right wrist.

    The flower signifies that i am a black flower, infinity is to remind me that i will not be bound by religion or people again and the stars are to remind me that i am a star and to shine.

    When jw's see it they just raise and eyebrow. I think secretly my elder bro thinks its pretty cool, as he does of my piercings, except my tongue piercing that is lol.

  • Elsewhere

    I have one tat and love it!

    I put a lot of thought and consideration into it before getting it. It was a part of me before the ink was applied.

    Sometimes I think I'll get another.

  • Kudra

    What is it Elsewhere?-- that leadup piqued our interest...

    Perhaps a dolphin on your lower hip? ;-)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I was 38 before I got my first tattoo. I went in for my second a couple of months later. Love them! It's been a very nice bonding period with them for the last two years. They are on my ankles. I want to get another tattoo. It usually takes me about a year or two of having the idea on my mind before I commit to something so permanent. No regrets ever.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    And, I was 38 when I got my first body piercing: Nose ring. I have a belly ring and tongue ring, as well. Those I got after age 38. It does take some thought and planning to get body modification done so you don't scare off job prospects or workmates.

  • Kudra

    I had a lip ring a couple of years ago. I liked it. Now there is a hole in my lip.

  • ninja

    I want one of those CD's put in my lip just like they african guys....

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Now, aren't you the handsome one!

  • ninja

    it's worse than that white dove....I left the CD case on mine

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    How do you keep food in your mouth without it running down the front of your tunic?

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