I remember one picture of a pretty little girl holding a plastic bucket in paradise next to a tame lion.
I asked my wife if there is going to be polution in paradise? Of course the answer is no!!!!!.
I asked her where did the plastic bucket come from? To make this bucket you will need plastic
injection molding machines. The cast iron castings that make these molds can weigh up to 3,000#.
Which means that you will need foundries to make the molds which means that we will need pig iron,
manganese, iron ore, magnesium, silicon and sand. Who is going to dig up the paradise earth to get
all of this stuff out of the ground? Who is going to make the earth moving equipment to dig these minerals
out of the ground? Who is going to process the ores to get the final elements foundries need to make the castings
that will be machined to make the molds to make the plastic bucket? Who is going to make all of the machines
that do the machining? How are we going to transport the 3,000# castings to get them to the machine shops?
Will there we trucks and roads? Who is going to maintain the roads? Who is going to make the road paving
equipment? I doubt if elephants will just use their trucks to pick up the castings. Then we have the problem of
what are we going to use for power to melt the castings for the molds and to machine the molds for the buckets?
Are we going to have electricty or oil? Will there be oil refineries or coal fired electrical generators. Who is going to
drill for the oil or mine the coal not to mention who is going make all of the eqiupment to do this. The picture I just
painted sounds like what we have now. Maybe we are in paradise. Mayabe it will just be easier if we don't
have plastic buckets in paradise. The final answer my wife gave me of where did the plastic bucket come from
was "maybe Jehovah will just snap his fingers and it will be there." Now you can see why you can not reason with
witnesses. They have a fairytail dream. I also wanted to know why doesn't the Watchtower show the inside of
the beautiful houses in paradise ? Maybe because there won't be refigerator's, stoves, or running water without
the old fashion hand pumps with outhouses behing the house. I hope that I won't get stuck with the job of picking
up all of the lion and elelphant crap in the neighbor hood. I wish that God would hurry up and kill 99.9% of mankind
so that I can see how that plastic bucket gets made.
TooBad TooSad