Jehovah`s Witness`s buy WBT$ Literature..Lots of it!!..Jehovah`s Witness`s "excessively buy" WBT$ Literature!!..The more WBT$ Literature you buy,the better Jehovah`s Witness you are!!..........................But..Where does all the WBT$ Literature really go?...............It`s dam hard getting rid of that crap..LOL!!.............Not many people want it ,except other Jehovah`s Witness`s..But..They don`t want your WBT$ Literature because they are already over stocked...................What happens to all that "EXTRA" WBT$ Literature,you can`t get rid of??????..............It` goes under beds,in closets,out in the garage,up in the attic..Soon you need a seperate room for your Extra WBT$ Literature..Your Extra WBT$ Literature,now has it`s own Frigg`n Room!!..LOL!!........................Where did you keep your extra WBT$ literature?..... And ......What percentage of WBT$ Literature actually left your home and never returned?