Straight intellectualizing cannot lead to belief or faith in God !

by caliber 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anti-Christ

    Well said IP_. The article is interesting but it still is based on a premise that has not been proving true. How can this man know what god wants?

    Trusting in God is a change from the known, safe and secure, the status the unknown. Change is frightening

    . God has made it difficult for those who seek to figure Him out. He remains elusive to those who try their hardest to find Him...intellectually. He wants

    faith first.

    He is assuming a lot. He is doing exactly what he says we should not do, trying to understand god.

  • cameo-d

    To those who seek Him with an open heart of faith, He gives the Holy Spirit who awakens our souls to who He really is and answers those unanswerable questions.


    I thought Jesus was the one who said "I will send you a comforter".

    So wouldn't that make Jesus wholly responsible for sending the Holy Spirit...not "god"????

  • caliber

    Quote below from initial post

    Say there is a person you would like to date. You can analyze that person all you want, for as long as you want, but until you proceed to meet this person, that person will always be a stranger and there will never be a relationship. Your analyzing will probably prevent you from simply falling in love

    Heart and mind must converge.. a beautiful meeting of thought and feelings which has spirit and
    motivation .

  • mkr32208

    Ridiculous... Made me puke out of my eye sockets...

  • Gladring

    I have no problem with people believing, or having faith in any kind of weird stuff.

    Write down your beliefs, ask other people to accept them with no evidence, get offended when someone questions those beliefs - This I have a problem with.

  • caliber

    Link to thread


    Heart and mind must converge.. a beautiful meeting of thought and feelings which has spirit and
    motivation .

    That's pretty clear to me Caliber. See my link above that I think draws our soul. If scriptures are not to be interpreted with reason alone as the

    WTBS .... .".Gameover " JWS forum.... Scriptures are not to be interpreted with reason alone as the WTBS suggests in their infamous book, “
  • IP_SEC
    Say there is a person you would like to date. You can analyze that person all you want, for as long as you want, but until you proceed to meet this person, that person will always be a stranger and there will never be a relationship. Your analyzing will probably prevent you from simply falling in love

    This is the exact point at which intellectualizing leaves faithing in the dust. It is the intellect that makes an abused person leave an abusive situation. It is the heart that makes him/her stay.

    It is impossible to know anyone. We dont even know ourselves. We constantly seperate the shadow within and keep it hidden from others. That nation are the bad guys. They are the debased. We/I are the enlightened. All the while our own depravity we keep hidden. Our own Shadow, it is the "other" person that we dont even know. Nay caliber we know not even ourselves how can we know god.

    At the same time it seems god is afflicted by the same problem. He is supremely good... (ya right) He never does wrong... (say what?) He has no darkness... (mmmkay...) Viewed externally and intellectually we can see: "ok he created everything... even the darkness... even at the very least the potential for evil." Intellectually we discern he must have darkness, evil. Intellectually we can decide to seperate ourselves from his abusiveness.

    Fine be a love struck fool who has faith that "he" is not going to come home and beat you tonight even though there is plenty of intellectual evidence to the contrary.

    Me? Quite content to stay as far away from the psychopath as possible, getting to know the only person in the world I can hope to ever know, ME.

  • IP_SEC

    He beats me/them. I must have done something to deserve it.

    See where your faith is wanting? Faith without intellect helps people make excuses for psychopathic behavior.

  • journey-on

    There is something called personal gnosis, a deep intuitive experience that leaves you in awe of the Divine. You know with every ounce of your being that something outside yourself has brushed against you and left you with a measure of faith that cannot be taken from you. Intellect and Feeling exist on the same plane. The two must be balanced for one to be spiritually healthy and this an on going process.

  • leavingwt

    I would like to know what process/method that the author, Auguste Rodin, used to reject Allah as his God and to reject Islam as his faith.

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