The Watchtower Organization states in their book "Pay Attention To Daniel's Prophecy"! on page 274 par.8 "Yet others who seemed to accept the good news were really spies for the authorities". A report from one land reads : "some of these unscrupulous characters were avowed communists who had crept into the Lord's organization, made a great display of zeal, and had even been appointed to high positions of service." Who were these unscrupulous ones? Listen to the call this Saturday as former Jehovah's Witness, assembly overseer Ed Allen suggests who these ones are, including one prominent Governing Body member. Thousands will now come to know what the Watchtower is hiding behind and be able to unmask the mystery behind paragraph 8! Also on the call will be internet poster and Watchtower exposer Joseph Malik who will be discussing some of the flawed doctrine in the Watchtower Organization. It's easy to get on the call just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. There is no charge for the call, only your normal calling rate applies. Lines open at 6:30 p.m.EST, so come in early and chat with others who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower!" Our program starts at 7 p.m.EST.
Conference call Sat. March 14-SPIES INFILTRATE THE ORG!
by the research lady 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Also on the call will be internet poster and Watchtower exposer Joseph Malik who will be discussing some of the flawed doctrine in the Watchtower Organization.
But doesn't he still uphold some of WT teachings?
Doesn't he just sort of pick and choose the WT doctrines he agrees and disagrees with?
the research lady
I'm not sure of Joseph Malik's position on all of the Watchtower's doctrine. Maybe he will post here and fill us in. If not, we can ask him when he comes on the conference call.
Here is another reference to the spy incident in Floyd Kite's 1980 talk:
But what I’m getting at is, leading men in God’s organization will impose the hardest test that you may have to face. In one communist country, a man accepted the truth and made rapid progress and became a pioneer. He continued to make rapid progress and was made under the old arrangement in the congregations a congregation overseer. And because he was relatively free of obligations, and because of his faithful service, he was made a circuit overseer in that country. Later because of his ability to handle responsibilities and because of his dependability and his gift, he was made a district overseer in that communist country, and shortly thereafter he turned over all the names of Jehovah’s Witnesses in his district to the communist secret police. He was then revealed to have been a communist spy. What is interesting is he was a communist spy from the moment he accepted the truth. He was a communist spy when he pioneered, he was a communist spy when he became a congregation overseer, he was a communist spy when he was appointed as a circuit overseer, he was a communist spy when he was a district overseer. The communist philosophy is that they can outlast Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their philosophy is that they can infiltrate the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses and they can break it up, and that they can do it by subversion. They believe that given enough time -- time is on the side of the communists -- that they can infiltrate the ranks of Jehovah’s Witnesses with betrayers and traitors.
Can you think of the impact that had on God’s people in that particular land? Who do you trust?! If your circuit overseer or district overseer is a communist spy from the very beginning, how did the holy spirit appoint him as an overseer? If God’s spirit appoints a man, how did it appoint a spy in God’s own organization? The answer is that God permitted or allowed the appointment of that man as a test to his own people. Remember we said that tests can take many forms. The question is... will our faith be a praise to the glory and honor of a good test? Well, such tests cause confusion! Highly disturbing! Which way do you go?! Who do you trust next? Who really is a loyal Christian brother? Can you trust any of your elders? You see the point?
Welcome to the Board, the research lady
Just where was the holy spirit in the appointment - and successive appointments to positions of greater authority - of these spies? And they wonder why pedophiles are rampant?!
The question is... will our faith be a praise to the glory and honor of a good test? Well, such tests cause confusion! Highly disturbing! Which way do you go?! Who do you trust next? Who really is a loyal Christian brother? Can you trust any of your elders? You see the point?
Well, that kind of pitches "love one another" right out the door!
When you are taught to be untrusting and suspicious of everyone....even those who behave brotherly toward you....that is totally against what Jesus taught!
Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, and even to love your enemies.
Are JWs taught that everyone is your potential enemy...even your loved ones and friends?
Could it be that because at any time your family or friends could be DF' therefore you are taught not to get close to anyone?
Not to share love or caring too much? Instead, to scrutinize loyalty to an organization of men above all else in life?
WT never seems to promote peace or harmony even among it's own people!
This literature is vile and demonic and in no way adds to anyone's quality or enjoyment of life. How dare they say they are doing good in this world!
This is planting seeds of suspicion toward all others, anxiety, distrust, aloofness, and even 'godly hate' until proven innocent!
So....when any appointment is made, Jehovah God allows it to "test" his people. He sees it all and allows it so as to put his people to the test, to see if they'll still remain loyal. Ok....
Is this conference call connected to Koolaidman??
password said:
Just where was the holy spirit in the appointment - and successive appointments to positions of greater authority - of these spies? And they wonder why pedophiles are rampant?!
The speaker answered this question in his talk, but it's still a valid question...
If your circuit overseer or district overseer is a communist spy from the very beginning, how did the holy spirit appoint him as an overseer? If God’s spirit appoints a man, how did it appoint a spy in God’s own organization? The answer is that God permitted or allowed the appointment of that man as a test to his own people.'s a valid question because if God allows spys (or pedophiles) to be appointed, then why should we ever trust any elder, circuit overseer, district overseer, bethelite or governing body member? Should we not question every one of them? If the possibility of the organization being rife with spies and evil men, then why is the organization so much different than any other organization?
Another point is: If Jehovah puts his people to the test by slipping spies in to try to fuck them up, then he ain't much of a god to put trust and faith in.