The Morman`s are not happy
by is there help out there 33 Replies latest jw friends
Lots of hullabaloo about it lately! Being married to a jw means no HBO in my house so I don't know the show. Guess that could be a show in itself huh? life within the jw's!
The Mormons interviewed sound like Illinois' former Governor, Rod Blagoyevich (sp)
when he tries to say that taped portions of conversations are taken out of context
and if you heard the whole thing, you would see that he is innocent.The men say that ceremonies are taken out of context and might seem unusual, but
in the whole context of the faith, they would be normal.Basically, he's saying to become a Mormon and it won't seem strange.
a that a mormaid's husband?.....he he
And the cult members are offended?
Ya, well....nobody likes to be shown up for being stupid and gullable!
They have been mind controlled through an elitist agenda, believing that their nasty ritual is a special secret from god.
This "feel me" ceremony has nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with perverted men!
I just hope that through this truthful exposure of being duped by mentally deranged leaders.....that these victims will spit and walk away wiser.
Hopefully they will not fall prey to the upcoming Luciferian doctrines that will attempt to replace broken religions.
She wanted more men but settled for three men-o-nite..
So..Whats the Secret Ritual?..
Here's one of them, Outlaw.....
There is also another one of being "groped" by someone standing behind a sheet. It's has to do with a "veil" ceremony. I will see if I can find some additional info.
Sounds a bit like a gay bath house ritual.
why is that in triplicate?