1988: first started using dial-up modem in college at my job to access databases
(interesting footnote: in those days, when I got scans of old WT publications I wanted to share with ppl I knew, I thought maybe I could say I got it from the internet, thinking that this would be viewed as a safe, neutral, source -- how times have changed!)
1990: my sister got a modem and started chatting on BBs
1993 (spring): my first exposure to the WWW via the Mosaic browser
1993 (August): I got my first email account and began to very regularly use PINE, GOPHER, and USENET
1994: my first access to Netscape and I started to "surf the web"
1995: first started using online webchat
1996-1997: read the old H20 website as a lurker but did not sign up
1999: started chatting via mIRC and (in 2000) Snak