Who is the Green Man?
by cameo-d 50 Replies latest watchtower bible
Osiris is one of the oldest gods for whom records have been found. His name is mentioned on the Palmero Stone (around 2500 B.C.)
He is both brother and husband of Isis, and father of posthumous son, Horus.His name means "Throne of the Eye".
I am. I used somegreenman pics as a logo, for a while.
Mrs. Fiorini
Interesting picture. Looks to me like something out of ancient Celtic mythology, or other peoples of the pre-Christian British Isles.
A character from the classic PC adventure game "Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow"?
Thank you, Mrs. Fiorini, for bringing it to my attention to give more information in documenting the pictures.
This is the caption that was under the picture:
Tomb of Seti I at Thebes from Niccolo Rosellini's Monuments of Egypt and Nubia (Pisa, Italy, 1832–44).
Wilbour Library of Egyptology, Brooklyn Museum Libraries, Special Collections
Here is a little information about the exhibit: Eqypt Through Other Eyes.
The exhibition covers the generation of explorers and scholars who were inspired by Description de
l'Égypte, published from 1809 to 1827.
Included is an illustrated plate from a rare book by Giovanni Belzoni, one of the first Europeans to
excavate Egyptian temples and tombs. Other works include a catalogue and poster for the first major
North American exhibition of Egyptian antiquities of the Abbott collection, now part of the Brooklyn
Museum collection. Also on view are chromolithographs from books by Émile Presse D'Avennes, whose
work provided the earliest reliable images of Egyptian architecture, and a book by Charles Dana Gibson,
depicting the Temple of the goddess Mut , where the Brooklyn Museum and Johns Hopkins University
currently maintain an excavation site.
here is my green man from the late 1800's in my garden. he takes care of all animals and plant life.
there are many facets of this good guy!
I was just gonna say HO! HO! HO!........oompa
I think the Green Man is the Celtic equivalent of Pan. Or maybe he is the ruler of devas or nature spirits. Maybe he is both?