So I gave it to a local museum...i do not know if it is Civil War or Revolutionary.....but it was about 7 feet up in a tree on my grandpas property....found it by total accident...but now i may get a geeky metal detector..........oompa
I found a 15lb cannon ball in a tree....who else can i tell this stuff to?....
by oompa 13 Replies latest jw friends
That's really neat, Oompa!
What were you doing in a tree?
Do you live close to a civill war battlefield?
Hubert ....and what's a gpas?
Oompa, was the cannon ball defused?
hubert...thanks for making me edit is grandpas ok?...i live in the midst of both cival and rev war locations...central north NC.......tons of stuff here...graves, shot, cannon balls, sunken ships(at the coast), you name it.......oompa
and ya...there were quite a few fairly major battles near here....not vicksburg...but pretty major....
excellent oompa! thats really cool. what kinda shape was it in? how big is a 15 pound cannon ball? was it sheltered from the elements? was it situated in the tree in such a way that it would have stayed there for many years yet? having it in your hands, did it remind you of standing in front of the toilet taking a leak? :p
Then, If I was you, I would DEFINITELY get a metal detector. I'd be there every chance I got. I love that kind of history.
You lucky bas...d.
Oompa..I`ve got a frigg`n cannon ball here..What the hell is a cannon ball doing in the middle of no where..We have an old gold rush town from the 1800`s in the valley..Maybe the army was up here..It was the USA Cavalry that started the gold rush here..They were chased across the boarder by Indians...........I have a state of the art,computerized metal detector..It talks..It tells you how far down an object is and what it probably is..Cool Eh?..
I would have SO kept it.
That would be conversation GOLD, after a few drinks with the guys.
Oompa, you could have attached a chain on it, and wore it around your neck.