i agree with you nj --- but i'm not being judgemental (that's one thing i've never been accused of by anyone) just trying and wanting to understand those who seem to be spinning in one unhappy place.
my motivator to post was because when scanning and reading here this particular time, i found it frustrating and inconcievable what so many were putting themselves through. walking away as you or i did is extrememly difficult. i found staying was worse. i truely feel for those caught in the jw net but have a hard time with those who stay in and are so determined to change others. being close to family is certainly important but not when it is destructive to our or our children's lives. staying away and living a happy life has made my family want to hear from me, i am very carefull about what tidbits i throw in with the possibilty of causing them to think. but, i do not hope for anything to come of it, that would be setting myself up for failure, as i know the strength of that 'everlasting life on earth' carrot.
i guess that's why i never accepted the many offers made to me to help battered women, i knew i lacked the patience. the only reason i stayed for awhile as a battered wife was to be a good jw like the elders told me i should.