Do all economic polices promoting posterity contain the seeds of recession?
Are all economic policies flawed;Baddboy'd economic theoryt/heories
by badboy 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Do all economic polices promoting posterity contain the seeds of recession?
That's an extremely good question. My own take:
"He that governs least governs best"
Besides, posterior promotion is counted as illegal prostitution in many places.
Humble your self
This problem is all a JUDGEMENT OF GOD>havnt you figuered it out yet. THere is no escape from this and 2 more shall follow soon.
This problem is all a JUDGEMENT OF GOD
God works for AIG? Would explain a lot....
If we look back at history, we see that there were good times and bad times. I see no reason to conclude that the future will be wildly different. Especially, now that we have a greater number of ways to kill one another and easier methods to steal from one another.
Indeed badboy I think it is possible we may have reached a limit as far as "growth" is concerned. But our political leaders have no plans for that eventuality though. All roads leading out of trouble are predicated on economic growth. So what will happen if it doesn't arrive? Who knows? Scary to think about.
Humble your self
Im pretty sure that Gods ways of doing things are more evolved than human thinking... Exellent way of thinking. in our Bible history God has used governments to overthrough other govs and economic systems, and peeps could not figuer it out. Promised land given to the Israel,Babylon is overthrown, so is the jewish system in 70EC, and now finnally 1 out of the three systems falls, Just like the Bible has predicted. Whether is through greed or will happen. He uses the systems of Satan against the end there will be nothing left.
By next year or 2 we will be in a Depression never seen in this World. Because it will be world wide. When this country sneezes the world is allready going through the feever. Meaning when things get worse here the whole world will be much worse...that is obvious now by the way foreign markets are get ready. For the worse is still to come.
All economic policies can work in a perfect... i'm lothe to use the word... system, but it is human nature that is flawed. Like the saying goes; follow the man seeking perfection, beware the one who has found it, or something like that.
Humble your self, I think you are so humble! You think you can predict the future? Uh?
Humble your self
Well i gave an opinion not a prediction...but if you think its a prediction its fine with me.
As for the what the Bible states- woudnt that be a prediction?